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Scoring proposals


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Agree my championship scoring proposal is too wordy (as usual).

Put another way:

1. Best time across all classes vs class record scores 10 points. Second gets 9 etc.
2. Top 7 scores counted
3. Class records can be reset if needed. If no established class record is available, use an agreed target time for the class based on dry conditions.

1. All events can count towards the championship, regardless of bad weather, minor changes to layout, tyre warming, low class numbers etc.
2. Scheme is still based around beating or getting as close as possible to class records.

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Rob - that is obvious ;)  but how we do go about sorting out that formula so to speak.

I have no doubt we have the necessary brain power to work something out.  But we need to agree with that, and the way it is calculated at the start of the season.  I doubt if we can tweak it (MSA regs) during the year.

For example - (and I assume here that all stays the same except 1c tyres are not allowed in say class 3/4/5/6). What is the predicted disadvantage of the less sticky rubber for any given circuit for a given car spec.

Lets take a venue we know really well Curborough double lapper

Class 3 - record 58.11

What do you recommend the new target should be? Do we say set a guess % of it will be 1.5%  2.0% 1.0% slower?  what happen if we are way off with our estimate.  They could now be at a advantage or disadvantage against those classes whose records might not be set if we get it wrong.

Also is the impact of less sticky tyres uniform across all classes? will it effect class 6 more than class 3.

I don't know, maybe I am over complicating it...  But I think getting it right on the estimate of the impact of the tyre specs is a tricky balancing act.



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Hi Rob,

Why does it have to be done before the event, this could be calculated as the results are declared, as i said by:

"The temporary estimated records in the Classes with tyre regulation changes and no tyre warming could be calculated after each event by increasing the existing record by the average percentage increase in time (relative to their PB’s) of at least two competitors who have competed in that class at that venue for at least 3 years. If there is insufficient data to this at a venue then either the event is not included in the overall for all classes (as now) or a Comp Sec record is put in place (estimated in the fairest way the Comp Sec can find). "




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The trouble with points from 10 to 1 is that you have no idea by how much people beat each other. With percentage scoring, you do.

Deliberately so. It smooths out freak results, keeps the competition running longer (if last 4 events are wet, the championship isn't over, championship leader may need to defend their lead), rewards consistent record breaking, encourages people to compete in more events etc. etc. 10 points means you were the best Lotus 7 Club competitor at that event. 

Setting target times...  thats where I got bogged down in the original proposal wording. Its do-able, either by a formula or an educated guess by someone trustworthy. Having the numbering system instead of percentage scoring irons out the issues if its not perfect. I think other championships use target times all the time - we only need them in exceptional circumstances.

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I stand to be corrected, but...

Reading the Westfield regs they use estimated target times in their championship, I have no idea how successful it is but they also have an appeal process to challenge these times!

I'm sure we don't want to go down that route, I would much rather have joint championship winners shaking hands rather than disputing estimated times.


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Rob - sorry for slight delayed response, and I think Mark has it covered in that the regs have to be 'final' before the event.  You cannot on the day do it, it opens up such a can of worms as to whom the adjudicator of fact is...how would you handle protests etc.

it would be interesting to understand how the Westie boys work it out, and how it has effected the outcome, good and bad.

I have no problems with Alans suggestion that for deciding the over all champion, that the person on the day who breaks the record by the biggest % (or even gets closest to the existing record for weather effected events) gets 10 points irrespective of class, then the second closest gets 9 points and so on.

However if we are resetting the records I cannot see how we can do this.*scratchchin*  Unless we don't re-set records, and not sure how people feel about that...


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Limit it to events where there is an established dry record to beat for all classes?

Keeps most of the benefits (i.e. wet events can count)
Avoids the need and hassle for target times/formulas, and risk of disputes (agree we REALLY don't want that)
Won't work well in first year if most or all records are reset, so defer it until 2017?

Its only a suggestion for overall championship. The per class scoring system works well.

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I became bored (sorry) when I first read it after the first paragraph.  Its just way to complicated.

Like Rob - I would not mind points for the overall rather than % but that needs records.  We will not have them next year.  To much change throughout all classes from tyres to tyre warming.

It needs to be simple. 

The Westy guys ended up going Mod Prod because amongst other things from what I have read the Target times could not be guessed for the new tyres.  Their entire scoring base would have had to be reset!

The method Mark proposed worked well in the past and this time we have added the 2 Curbs events as a further tie breaker.  So what if the overall is a tie.  I know I won it in 2008 - but my memory fades when I try to recall who that was with?

See you Sunday


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