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The Car The Club Rebuilt


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Well, I am amazed that no-one has come forward on this one and that such a comment is made without having any apparent knowledge of the person involved.

The owner of the Seven, Barry Sweeney, is a lovely guy that put pretty much all of his time and a mass of effort to get the original club website up, running and maintained (you remember the one that a great percentage of you said you wanted back) with no financial reward. Circumstances dictated that Barry wasn't in a position to keep the car running as he would have liked and it has unfortunately fallen into the condition that you now see. 

I'm pretty certain that anyone else would have sold the car years ago but Barry is a real Seven enthusiast and obviously couldn't bear to see it go. I know just how enthusiastic he is because way back in the formative years of this club, Barry drove hundreds of miles just to come and see me for a chat which was just one of the reasons that I asked him later to take over the club's accounts.

I really hope that the car gets sorted and that Barry will be able to return to the life and enjoyment that the car really gave him before things changed for him.

He could do with your support - not this sort of post.

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I have to agree with David about EB's comment. I have been a club member for 30 years. I was part of the management team and also an AR for both Suffolk and Kent and I have no idea who EB is or where he is from.

EB has no real knowledge of the club history, otherwise he would know who Barry is and what he has done for the club.

However EB could live in Europe and may not attended any of our old International meetings in the 80's and 90's so I may be being at bit harsh. Most club members from the old days knew who Barry was and especially once the club web site was initiated,as he was the moderator, designer etc.etc.

The rebuilding of his car by the club is very well deserved in my opinion.



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Hear hear. I spent 16 years voluntarily building and running a site for another (far less well funded) organisation, in return for an occasional word of thanks but equally as (or more?) often, complaints when something wasn't perfect.

Rebuilding Barry's car for him is the least we can do.

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