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Seat belts too long for a child


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I tried my 10 year old in my 7 last night, and although he's tall enough not to need a booster seat I can't get the harness straps tight enough to fit him.

My first thought was to move the seat forward but I was surprised to discover that the passenger seat isn't on sliders but bolted in place, so I guess my choice is either to remount it or to line the seat with something to fill him out a bit, but would worry about the safety of not doing it with something  proper.

Any suggestions?

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Not particularly helpful I know, but I slide the seats forward when my kids get in and then they fit fine (I have std Caterham leather seats).  You could try changing the harness over with one that has a greater degree of adjustment.


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Another option is to buy some thick wall aluminium tube from ebay. I did this for my car and made them extra long with two sets of captive nuts underneath. I can move the seat forward by removing the bolts, and sliding it into the forward position and replacing the bolts. It only takes 5 minutes.

Alternatively, you can have my old runners for the price of postage and a donation to Nuke The Leuk *smile*


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Someone on the forum suggested one of these:


I bought one and both my wife and son prefer it fitted to my leather seats. I initially bought it to help my wife reach the pedals when driving but it's now pretty much permanantly fitted to the passenger seat. It raises and brings them forward about an inch.


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Just a couple of bin bags and expanding foam is enough.
Line the seat and cockpit area with a big/thin plastic sheet (DIY store decorating sheet is fine), in case you mix too much foam.

Put a pad on the seat to raise young'un to a reasonable height/depth, mix foam and put in double bag, put on top of pad(s) and sit them in the seat until it hardens.

Remove bag(s), reshape with knife as needed, then wrap in Duck tape.
You can also fill in the depressions left by the seat pad with more foam and re-trim as needed.


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