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3 issues . . . logins, comms and dual-memberships . . .


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  • Area Representative

I'm Warks North AR and would post this onto the AR Fourm but I can't login to get to the bloody thing . . . . aaaargh

1)  Tried to login to Warks North AR login today.

It said password incorrect, so I requested a reset and, from the hyperlink in the arriving email, I reset the password on the website to a new one and saved it on the button at the bottom.

When I tried to log back in, it said the password was wrong which it wasn’t as I’d just set a new one.

I tried a few times and got the message "Sorry, there have been more than 5 failed login attempts for this account. It is temporarily blocked. Try again later or request a new password.”

As it said I could set a new one instead of waiting, I created a new password.

Same thing again when I logged out again to test it and tried to go back in . . . 


2)  I’m fed up, as is my AAR but her for a different reason . . . number two)

She isn't the member, she is the wife of a member. He gets all the e-mail comms from the club but she sees nothing despite being an AAR.

Even creating a second profile under his account does nothing, as the comms will still only be sent to one email address and that is the husband’s not a joint one.

If I’m talking to her about club matters, how is she meant to have the foggiest what I’m on about if she can't see all comms from the club like a member would.

Can memsec Sam create my AAR a membership and date match it to the subscription of the AAR's husband so that when his renews, hers renews.


3)  I’ve got a similar (but not the same) issue with "father and son “ Area members who co-bought a seven between them last year.

The membership taken out by the father only allows for one email address, so the son never sees comms from the club, he never sees local Area blat comms, etc.

Yes, he could set up a rule within his father’s computer to forward to himself anything arriving with an @lotus7.club suffix, but why should he have to?

Ian Bruce ARC says that once the mailing lists are moved and working on the new server, the lists will integrate with the “join Area” function on the Area Pages on the new website.

Then if father and son both “join" my Area, they will both get the emails, but there is no clue as to when this will happen.

They first asked me about this issue at the club Christmas dinner last year.

Even then this isn’t totally satisfactory though as this par-solution will only send ‘Area’ e-mails to the other person, they won't also get the national, non-area, comms from the Club that the other member gets will they?


Can someone please advise on all of this please as I'm at the end of my tether.


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Hi Giles,

1. You may want to try emailing websitehelp@lotus7.club  Bizzarrely I'm afraid I can't see AR logins so can't help on that one!

2. I understand the Membership Database the Club uses can only accomodate one email address. I did suggest it be amended a couple of years ago with two name fields so we could use the membership cards as name badges for entry to events etc, but it wasn't feasible or cost effective (I can't recall which).

3. I'm afrad i have had no indication if or when the "Join Area"  button will be working.

Number 3 does bring up the question of what constitutes a "joint membership". If it's two people living at the same address then I would suggest that is fine. If the Father and Son live at different addresses then perhaps they should have two subscriptions? I don't know the answer, or what is right, just posing the question.

Please raise these issues at the ARs meeting in November.


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