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Armourfend/paint protection film


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Don't put you fingers on the sticky side at all , you will leave finger prints that don't go away .

Use plenty of liquid on the panel prior to positioning .

Dont panic ! You should have plenty of time to slide it around and position correctly .

You can stretch it to fit odd profiles but don't over stretch , you can use a mild heat source ( hairdryer ) to aid the fitting ,

I managed to fit on the compound curves of the front edge chassis at the rear of the " door opening " without too much hassle , the rear side of the nose cone should be fairly straightforward .

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Here are some tips from PPG, who sell the 3M equivalent of Armourfend.  They also supply an application kit, which contains a couple of low-friction rubber spreaders and bottles of diluted Johnson's Baby Oil (which you then dilute further).  I used a plastic spray bottle (ex Sainsbury's Shower Cleaner) to apply the fluid.  If you still end up with bubbles under the film, prick them gently with a fine needle and squeeze out the air.


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Some feedback:-

- the baby oil and water worked a treat, I smell much fresher now!

- the baby shampoo and water did allow the sheet to be moved into place pretty well and correct initial fit up mistakes. Bought a spray bottle for £1 from local DIY shop.

- with the kit I bought I got a scraper and bought a couple of other ones on line. Good job I did because the one which came which the kit was a bit too hard and didn't flex around the curves I was trying to match up with.

- fitted a couple of small sheets to my old tool chest just to get the hang of it

- make sure the surface are completely free of any dust or grit as it gets trapped underneath easily

- don't put the roll of armounfend down on anything which isn't clean, it picks up crap on any exposed edge. This stops it sticking at that edge. I now know!

- If you cut a length off a roll, you may end up with a sticky bit exposed, again this picks up dirt so cut this off just before fitting so it is definitley virgin material you are trying to stick on.

- don't attempt compound curves - I ended up putting a couple of small sections on the nose cone rather than trying to force a bigger sheet around.

- Assuming it hasn't fallen off over night, it seems to have been a reasonable job. Easy to cock up without a bit of patience I would say.

- have some bonnet protecting patches which I have had for a while but never fitted. Will now fit these having got the practice in.

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