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Speed event rules - tyre warming, licences and tyres


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In Speedscene magazine this month, there are some hints as to where the rules are going in the future.

Tyre warming – the BHC will likely ban all tyre warming from 2016 onwards and so that is likely to extend to everyone else from 2017.

Licences – more signatures will be required to upgrade to an A licence.

Tyres – List 1B still might disappear at the end of the year but interestingly it is said that, ‘the MSA has been asked to contact the tyre manufacturers to seek their approval to the continuance of the content of the 2015 list into 2016, List 1B tyres are still about and available as I write.  Longer term a more realistic solution will need to be agreed’.

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Re Tyres - List 1B:  Our MSA rep said last Saturday that the Tyre Committee Meeting is confirmed for September 15th.    He also said that one of the proposals on the table was to allow a grace period for current List 1Bs to be used into 2016 (which matches your comment '...continuance of the content of the 2015 list into 2016').

We also went through the 2015 Blue Book with him looking at the impact of new ROPS regulations - he agreed that the requirements regarding 'diameter of the roll bar tube, seat base to roll bar measurement, minimum head clearance, use of extension hoops, use of rose joints and the side clearances from the centre of the seat to the roll bar upright' are all difficult to understand.  In my class (Road going specialist production) there are several Sylva Strykers, a pretty Ginetta G4 and some Westies that dont look like they will meet the new ROPS regulations.  Thankfully this doesn't seem to be a problem with the Caterham FIA-type bar or full cage.

GrahamV   *byebye*


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re my comment above  'Thankfully this doesn't seem to be a problem with the Caterham FIA-type bar ...'   *read*

Over the last month there has been a lot of further debate about the new 'Roll Over Protection System (ROPS)' regulations on UphillRacers and the Westfield Sports Car Club forum.   

The MSA response to a Westfield owner who questioned the legality of his ROPS was -

The (Westfield) ROPS fails to meet MSA basic requirements on two main points. Firstly the tube dimensions, as Blue Book minima are 45 x 2.5mm or 50 x 2.0mm. Secondly, the use of the rose joints in attaching backstays.


The purpose of the National ROPS homologation is to allow alternative designs that do not meet MSA requirements, but can be demonstrated through calculation to be of a sufficient strength. Such ROPS must follow the basic principles of MSA regulations – such as shape of main hoop, diagonals etc. – but there is then freedom in tube dimensions, and in this case the rose joints could be considered if they are accounted for in the stress calculation.


If the design is homologated, then this would mean existing ROPS to that design can be acceptable without modification. Otherwise, unfortunately the design does not meet the MSA regulations.

So it looks like the Westfield 'RAC' roll over bar may not be compliant with the new regulations and this will affect many of my fellow hillclimb competitors in Westfields.   I haven't read all the detail but it looks like in many cases the roll bar diameter is too small and some old bars have rose-jointed rear supports.  

I've had a quick measure of my old FIA bar and it looks like 38 mm diameter tubing but I can't tell the thickness - the diameter of 38 mm is below the MSA Blue Book minima of 45mm but 'there is then freedom in the tube dimensions'   *coffee*

Can someone confirm that the Caterham FIA-style design (with petty strut) is 'homolgated' or compliant for 2016?  

If there is any doubt is it worth the Club approaching the MSA for confirmation?   Have Caterham provided the appropriate stress calculations for homologation of their FIA bar?   Am I worrying about nothing?


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If it's got the sticker on it to say it's compliant then you are fine. If it doesn't then technically it doesn't comply. The Caterham FIA bar is an approved ROPS but only with the sticker and the petty strut.

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Hi Shaun - thanks for the clarification.  Bugger - my FIA bar / petty strut doesn't have a sticker    *confused*     

It will be interesting to see how a scrutineer applies the new rule next year.   If a Scrutineer follows the letter of the Blue Book then I assume 'no sticker = no proof of homologation = failed scrutineering'

Hi Chris - this is not for consultation.  Its an approved change - approved 9th June 2015 with an implementation date of 1st Jan 2016.   Details here and relevant section pasted below:

(S) Speed Events

Date of implementation: 1 January 2016

10.1.2. Road-Going Series Production, K.1.6.1 or K.1.6.2 recommended.

10.1.3. Road-Going Specialist Production, Modified Series, Production Cars and Modified Specialist Production Cars must comply with K.1.6.1 or K.1.6.2.

My summary of the change is that 'a compliant or homolgated ROPS is now manadatory for all Caterham 7s in MSA licensed events from 1st January 2016'.    As I said .....  it will be interesting to see how the new rule is interpreted next year


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Blimey - that one snuck in under the radar. I knew it was coming at some point but hadn't realised it was ratified. We had discussed it when looking at our regs but as we already insist on FIA bar or cage for all competitors then it wasn'g going to be an issue. I suggest finding our who made your FIA bar and seeing if they would be willing to supply a sticker - they might want to physically inspect the bar I guess.

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sorry graham I was replying to the original topic regarding the consultaiton, rather than the ratified rule change. but I think that the rule change may have a massive impact, as if they do inisit on a sticker then mine cage will have to come off and a standard FIA bar go back on......


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 Hi Shaun

'.... but as we already insist on FIA bar or cage for all competitors then it wasn't going to be an issue'.   I fully understand and agree - I now think that the situation for Caterham owners is more about proving your FIA bar is homologated:   for Westfield, Haynes, Sylva, Ginetta, MEV, Locust and Striker owners they probably need to buy and fit a new bar for 2016 .... 

Hi Chris - ah...  I see.... no probs:  Don't you think there have been so many changes this year - and the Blue Book with all its cross references is not the easiest thing to navigate?    I wont even start on the MSA License changes for 2016 or the changes for organising clubs .....   *coffee*



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