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Issues log


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  • Support Team

As requested, here is a list of currently identified issues. It's not exhaustive but I've tried to capture most of the main bugs and requests for additional functionality. Please don't use this thread to discuss issues but if I have missed something then post here with a link to the original thread.

Website issues log_v1.4.xlsx

A status of "Open" means there is no work being undertaken at this point. This may be due to other priorities, timing or cost. If it is decided that no further action is to be taken, the status will be "Closed".

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  • Area Representative

Please could NPD furnish an explanation of why, if I type Management team into the search engine,the top three results are: motorsport team, British team and team-mate?

This is just being very simplistic because I know I could that I could type "Management Team" but I may be searching for key words which are not in association. It illustrates that the search apparently seaches a Boolean OR not a Boolean AND command. So adding detail to your seach enquiry gives you more irrelevant results not more specific ones, I have found this on previous occasions but just gave up. Working in a substantially different manner to that most successful of search engines, Google. It takes a brave company to diverge from known methodology; if successful it is brilliant.

Did I mean Management test? - no I didn't, why does the script imagine my typing would be that poor - m and t are separated by a large area of keyboard, it has different meaning and is not a spelling mistake.


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you are correct - the search defaults to OR. If you type:

Management AND Team

it will return posts that contain both words in the post (in any order and not necessarily consecutive words). If you want a defined term, just include it in quotes. 



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  • Area Representative

As Roadsport: AND has logical force as well the force of other search facilities. OR: please could NPD or the individual responsible please explain the rationale behind this decision?


Issue: Did we ever receive an explanation of why the last five posts of page 1 appear at the top of page 2? I am sorry if I missed it.

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Website Issues Log
1Quoted search with numbers doesn't workSearching using quotes for "pin 6" returns threads containing "pin" and "pins", not just "pin 6" Numbers are not indexed. Affects very few searches so not worth making a change.Closed 
2Remove need for spaces in front of and behind emoticonsChange the string parsing in posts so that we don't need spaces either side of emoticons. Open 
3Add in-thread navigation buttons to top of pageIs it possible to place the in-thread page navigation at the top of the page as well as the bottom? Open 
4Search results – authors filter to be alphabeticalChange list of authors in search results to be alphabetic order Open 
5Stickies disappear after 1 monthChange query on forums to always show stickies irrespective of last updated selection Open 
6Non-member forum views appears out of dateForum list last post is not the most recent. New and update also doesn't show most recentMain forum list no longer shows the latest post. New and updated refreshes more frequently. New threads are displayed immediately.Closed 
7Long "locations" result in no posting date/time being displayed No longer an issue – location is truncatedClosed 
8Additional smileys requestedThumbs up and arrowsI thought I could do this myself but don't have required access so will need NDP to do itOpen 
9Area meeting map pins – some still missingWarwickshire North missingA fix was applied but appears not to have solved all problemsTo be reported 
10Area meeting images aspect ratioChange the aspect ratio of the images on the grid view to be the same as on the area page Open 
11email notification of topic postingAbility to get email notification of topic posting when creating topic Open 
12TechWikiProper Wiki functionality for technical guides, etc. Open 
13Spell check as defaultDefault spellcheck to on Open 
14“Reply to post” to quote the post/poster  Open 
15WebshopPay for membership on line and pay for events for members In progress 
16Advertisements on the siteSmall banner adverts in the forum pages for LowFlying advertisers In progress 
17No 'Quote' option of previous posts A quote plugin is available but low priority. There is a workaround with copy/paste/block quote 29/09/2014
18Set up/explain moderationAdd field for reasonPassed to NDP 06/10/2014 SE
19Unable to edit earlier posts Logged with NDP as a Bug by SE 5-6-15 05/06/2015
20Table tool not working Looks OK - review and respond to NDP 06/10/2014


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Well I added a few from previous bugs lists that don't seem to have been addressed, and was hoping the table would work so it was open to all to see, however, no.21 should be "Resize tables to fit forum width"! 

*rolleyes* *weeping*

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  • Support Team

Ian - I don't know what settings you have applied but I have checked this in Win7/Chrome along with many other browser/OS combinations and it is not a problem. Unless someone else can replicate the issue it will have to remain closed - we can't fix an issue that can't be replicated and affects only one person.

The unable to edit post bug is also resolved - it wasn't a bug at all merely a setting issue. Some people previously had Full HTML posting rights which were subsequently removed and hence they could not edit previous posts that were created with Full HTML. As posted on the bugs forum, I will fix any post found to be in that state.


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Shaun, no idea what settings are different on my PC but I haven't changed anything knowingly from standard.

However as I use the PC, or an Android hanset, and neither are being very user friendly I guess I'll just post less *cry*

The table formatting would be helpful to resolve though, so at least we can see progress on items *thumbup* (thought a thumbs up on it own might be more appropriate there but . . . *wink* ).

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No mention of the Members' Only forum on your list Ian, although it is on the master list which is linked to in the first post.

Also no mention of a single button to mark all forums as read in any list.
Might it be useful for the master list to be dated?
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Map Pins missing again Shaun *cry*

Filter by Regular Area Meeting only shows 3 meetings!

Filter by Area Events Any Area only shows two (Cheshire and Mid-Staffs Christmas Meals).

No Filters ie Any Event in Any Area only displays a few pins (less than 10).

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  • Support Team

I've had a look at this.

1) Some events do not have and address entered

2) Some have entered a "City" that does not exist (Stratford City for example - should be London) and this causes an issue with the GMap API. Also using "nr City" doesn't work

3) GMap seems to have become more sensitive to the city field not matching the postcode or it just doesn't like a number of the towns entered.

I have asked NDP if we can pass only the postcode (where it exists) to the API to avoid this problem - this would solve 2) and 3) above I think.

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It must be something that they have done recently as before almost all the Area Meetings showed up (just the one or two that you were aware of that were missing), and now only a handful appear.

Same with the events, so I guess it's related to a recent update they have performed.

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