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Should I keep wax-oil off my hoses?

Phil Bishop

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Built it a year ago - only just decided to wax-oil. (Thought I'd only go out in the dry and found it ain't that easy.) I know I'm in for a lousy day trying to do it now she's built, but most seems possible, except perhaps in the tunnel around the gear box. But the fuel line passes along the tunnel. Will the stuff harm the tubing? Since volatile fuel passes along the inside of the tube logic tells me a bit of wax-oil on the outside shouldn't matter, but perhaps it's best to ask......
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I think it will be fine too.


I guess you have read threads about applying the filthy stuff but i'll add another tip. Even with the tin well warmed, and thinned down with white spirit it really helps to get your car warm when applying it. If your garage is freezing the spray tends to just 'set' when it hits the cold metal. Well worth getting lots of heat on the chassis for a few hours with all the fan heaters etc you can find. it helps the stuff flow into all the nooks and crannies.


Have fun.


Oh, and you'll need a very hot shower afterwards 'cos you'll stink.



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I'd advise not to have any fan heaters running whilst spraying, or in the period immediately after spraying, as the thinning agent is white spirit, or something that smells very similar, the label clearly states, FLAMMABLE, work only in areas of good ventilation, or good extraction ventilation, do not breathe spray, use suitable respiratory protection, avoid contact with eyes, and skin, do not smoke, but then we don't need to be told that, do we? so go to it Phil, have fun, it's definately worth the effort. Nigel.


1982. 5 speed, clamshells. B.R.G / Ali. The True Colours.

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Slosh it all over, it won't hurt anything other than brake discs (eek!). I have always thinned it down dramatically using vast quantities of paraffin. This is cheaper tahn white spirit and allows you to spray the resulting very thin fluid everywhere. I need to do mine soon, it's an evil job. I usually use those disposable overalls and clothes I can throw out afterwards.


Top Tip - don't take the car out afterwrads unless you are sure it will be bone dry - I once spent an afternoon waxoiling an old Mini only to take it out in the rain that evening and wash it all off *mad*

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