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Forward Head Restraints


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Just seen this for those who are interested / have been thinking about it:

Motor Sports Council

It was decided that from 1 January 2016 an FIA-approved FHR will be mandatory for all Hill Climb and Sprint competitors, except for those in Period Defined Vehicles, Road-going Series Production Cars and Road-going Specialist Production Cars. Nonetheless, it will be recommended for those excepted competitors.


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To be honest I fully support this it makes total sense.  Yes I realise this will be of expense for most (new helmet maybe, hans device, update to mounting points etc), but it is one of those things that really could save your life or serious injury in certain circustances.

Having used one for a couple of years I would never drive without it now.



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as a reminder

There is a pattern somewhere that you can have the plate made up so you don't have to go back to arch for new belt bushes.  I got mine from David Nelson and I think it costs something like £25 to be made. Simple to implement as well...

Maybe as a club we can organise a bulk deal?


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Roger - what don't you like?

I feel much more tight in the car (maybe due to seating position) as the front arms are pressed onto mychest much more that with just the belts...

It did take me a while getting used to putting on but now I don't think about it.  I did used to use a neckbrace so maybe it wasn't such a transition moving to hans...


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Charles has a few adapter plates and the plan to make more.

I don't like the fact that the bottom of the HANS device presses into my chest. Maybe my shoulders are the wrong shape, but all the force seems to go into the bottom of the device.

My normal method is to get into the car, do the belts up then put my helmet on. Can't do that with the HANS device attached to the helmet so I either have to fit the HANS first, do the belts and helmet, then try to attach the HANS to the helmet while I'm wearing it, or I have to try to put the belts (including wrist restraints) on without being able to see them because I'm wearing the helmet.

I'm not at all convinced about the safety claims made. HANS was designed for very stiff Indy cars hitting solid barriers at 200 mph. Caterhams fold up in hard frontal impacts, vastly reducing the forces involved. So many people claim "my HANS saved me" but how many people have died after impacts in Sevens without HANS?  I've had quite a few major impacts, and as far as I can tell I'm not dead yet.

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Must be a seating positionbody shape issue I guess, as the forces on mine seem to press uniformally where it touches my body.. You use the 20 degree one?

Agree on getting in the car, I spent 10 years doing it one way (in first, do belts, helmet on) and took me a while to get used to getting in with helmet on, plus when you have to wait in a hill climb queue for 15 minutes with it on on a hot day is a PITA.  But is just one thing I have got used to...

I am no nurological surgeon or expert on the effectivenss of hans in one type of crash or another, but I watch that video and think that I would prefer to run with it.

The biggest draw back I see for this is it is yet another barrier for someone wanting to enter the sport, give it a try and see if they like it, or for the casual competitor who might only do 1-2 events a year.  Will it stop them entering...


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I have no problem with HANS being recommended and I will probably buy the Simpson harness however, I fear making it mandatory it is yet another significant cost that is likely to deter a novice or casual competitor. The recent implemented and proposed changes mean that entry level motorsport is now significantly more expensive then when I started and if the were at the same level in 2002 I doubt I would have competed.  

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It only actually affects Class 7 Mod Prod. Roadgoing is just recommended for next year. However depending on the tyre regs rules and solutions i suggest class 3 upward start saving.


I will definately not be buying HANS. I will go for the Simpson Hybrid a far better solution. Fits me not the car and works sidways not just forwards.

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This topic is possibly going to affect all of us who have not adopted HANS devices and clearly there are some issues with their use that are peculiar to Caterhams. I only have casual knowledge of some of the issues yet clearly there are those who have experience and knowledge that would be extremely useful to the rest of us having to decide what to purchase and how to fit it.

Could it be possible to have one place maybe on here or in competitors corner where all the accumulated knowledge is held together to help us make good relevent decisions about type, fitting, etc


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from a thread in another place ...

If your helmet doesn't already have HANS POSTS you'll need to order those separately. Dave says that all Snell 2010 helmets should be drilled for HANS POSTS and are FIA approved for retrofitting. Earlier helmets will probably need to be drilled and will be legal for UK racing, but won't be FIA approved.

Worth calling Dave Kimberley at Demon Tweeks for advice: 01978 663027 or email davek@demon-tweeks.co.uk.  He'll probably give you a discount as well.

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Can someone explain the issue with the belts and HANS devices?  Is it just that the angle on the vertical needs to be within a certain range or is there a specific issue with the horiztonal placement of the belts?

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So, I have a Bell RS3 helmet (HANS ready) or so I thought. 

This is from GPR at Silverstone when I was last there:

It is pre-drilled but if I want HANS posts, I have to buy them and then send the helmet to Bell to have them fitted if I want FIA approval on the posts.  Cost wise, I may as well just buy a new helmet as mine is only 2005 and not 2010 and added to that I'd get a deal on buying a new helmet and a HANS device at the same time.  So if I add it all up, I may as well spend another £150 on top and have a new 2010 composite - not fibreglass helmet, and a clubman HANS.  Guess I can use my old helmet for the occasional bit of Karting........ 

I wouldn't drive my car without a full cage nowadays and I only have one head and neck so I am of the opinion that it is a sensible thing to purchase.  If you put it into the costs of two or three years of competition, it really is pocket change in the grand scheme.  Only problem with WHEN it becomes mandatory is it makes it more difficult for people to have a go and do one or two clubman events to see if it's for them - yet another start up cost. 


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I think my issues with the HANS pressing on my chest is because I have my tillet tilted several degrees. maybe I should try a 30 degree one rather than 20.

i wore the HANS for around 2.5 hours of testing yesterday and I'm starting to get used to it. I also found I can do up the belts before putting the HANS/helmet on then slip the belts over the HANS before tightening them. Think I might wear it in the race for the first time today.

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Going back to robm's point:

"There is a pattern somewhere that you can have the plate made up so you don't have to go back to arch for new belt bushes.  I got mine from David Nelson and I think it costs something like £25 to be made. Simple to implement as well.."

Does anyone have details?  I am keen to move my belts in readiness for a purchase of a HANS device..

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