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What is it about Epynt?


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Hi All

This is a genuine question to all members and competitors.  Its not intended to point fingers or seek any form of retribution (yet) *whistle*

Some of you have been over the years but most have not.

What puts you off coming to Epynt?  I can see that Paul will need lots of help trying to find replacement next year as with 5 L7C competitors this year 2016 is not viable.  I am sorry for the Brecon Motor Club but its going to be a reality.

So in an effort to make sure future events we may find do not fall in to the same trap please let me and Paul know what it is that puts you off.

In the past it could well have been to many events close together but this year if you do not compete at Epynt you will have a 4 week gap.

Maybe its now seen as an event that there is little competition at so we don't go?

Anyway - have your say as a few of us will be looking for replacements.


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I love epynt and have been every year I could, however this year i'm under orders as the better half has already made plans.

For anyone who has not been to epynt, I've got to say it is an enjoyable weekend in the most unusual surroundings and is a great hill.

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Small positive - looks like I will now probably be able to make it, so at least Class 3 will have 3 competitors.  Epynt is a great hill and I do think it's a shame that it isn't better attended...

Is anyone else from L7C planning on staying onsite the night before?



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Unfortunately we can't really dress it up too much more as it's on a military training area. The original idea was just to give Wales (land of hills!) a hillclimbing facility. Considering what we have there are very few places you can do it! Facilities are probably the biggest issue although we now hire portaloos to help the situation. At least there is a nice part of the paddock that is tarmac and the hill isn't too bad either. Hills like Shelsley and Prescott are well placed in lowland England and have facilities on site which are part of long leases, sadly we are not able to offer that and the hill has to do the talking.

That said we are investing 8k this year in a road to circle the building (and provide a holding area) just after the finish so that there is a shorter return and tyres will not get dirty. Hopefully we will get a grant to from the MSA but it will still take a while to recoup so any entries would be gratefully accepted!

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I must say that 2014 was a huge step forward compared to my last visit in 2012 and persuaded me to go back this year.  We had tarmac paddock spaces and the organisation seemed a lot better (in terms of paddock marshals taking drivers to the start instead of everyone bundling in at will).  If it had been like 2012 with the paddock being in the mud I wouldn't have entered again this year. 

The thing that makes me not want to enter is the fact that Le Mans is on the same weekend and I'll have to miss watching that.

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I like Epynt. Great hill, location, organisers, classic Welsh rally stage, facilities no problem with a camper. The fact that there are two days available makes the trip worthwhile.

problem for me is work. I work every other weekend and have to negotiate for holidays, this year it clashes with a colleague doing the great north swim! I just can't get the time off.

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I really enjoyed Epynt the first year we went there, however unfortunatelty since then the date has always clashed with something else, as is the case this year.*grumpy*

Plus if i can only make the sunday it is a long way to go just for the day...



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As a Novice last year I completed in 9 events and had to prioritise events. As competing at all venues were new to me i thought that the first years competition would be learning the tracks and whether the next corner is left or right and then in the second year hope to concentrate on the driving side. There was talk last year of Epynt being dropped so for me there were other venues to invest my time. This year i have other commitments so can not make it anyway.

I can not comment on Epynt as a venue or event but would like to compete there and the sat and sun competition appeals to me.  

I have only competed for one year but there seem to be quite a number of changes from my first year with Hethel and Goodwood new, Wiscombe has gone, Blyton 2 lap gone and talk of changes. Do we have a commitment to stay at different venues for a number of years or a list of at risk venues.

Some events will always be more popular, I don't know what the criteia or process is for the L7Club to compete at different venues, whether we estimate numbers and are letting the organising Club down by a low entry list or are we simply being asked to go.  

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For me it's quite simple:

I can't commit to more than one event per month - I intend to do Aintree in June as it suits me better - my son can attend & see his Grandparents who live there too

My trailer is currently minus a ramp so cant use it/ touch & go if it'll be back in time

Its nearly four hours journey & I hear the facilities are not great

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CheshireCat, Whilst Digressing of the topic, In the main the venues do tend to stay the same unless there is a clash for some reason, or on safety grounds, but with some changes to keep interest.

We are already working on next years calendar and it's never an easy balance / decision regarding which events to do where there are clashes with dates, or events which do not form a representative championship round due to the number of entries.

Regarding Epynt, 

  • 2010 - 24 Competitors
  • 2011 - 22 Competitors
  • 2012 - 20 Competitors
  • 2013 - 14 Competitors
  • 2014 - 15 Competitors
  • 2015 - ???

As a rule of thumb we aim to keep numbers at each event above 40% of registered contenders in order to be viable and representative, but ultimatly if our competitors don't actually compete at a venue then it is possible that it will be replaced with one where a high percentage will compete.

As i've said before if you want a venue to stay in the calendar then we need people to compete there, this year i'd be at Epynt myself if my personnal circumstances were different, and i'm hoping to be back next year as i'd really like to get the class 2 record back.

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Could it be due to the change in the numbers in the classes?

if you look at class 1 ,2 and 3 most of the championship compeditors are in these classes.

is it that historically these have been the classes with a low turn out group at Epynt? 

From a local level we have 3 of us not doing the L7C championship at 1/5 of last years entry.

i have in the past not attended as it is the same weekend as Le Man.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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8 valves rule *byebye*

In all seriousness, a great day of motorsport and those who haven't tried Epynt really should.  Coming from the South East, I am always surprised when I find that it's really not that far back to the Severn Bridge and then to home - Brecon Beacons may feel like another world, but it's actually not too far from home for me...

A great weekend, definitely helped by the good weather (again!).  I for one hope that we can keep this on our calendar.

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Jeff Smiths lines on the way home "i must not try so hard on the last run - last corner.....i must not try so hard on the last run - last corner.....i must not try so hard on the last run - last corner.....i must not try so hard on the last run - last corner.....i must not try so hard on the last run - last corner....."

I hope Will gave you as hard a time as Dom used to give Adrian - I suspect not though - far to polite *thumbup*


Sorry Dom (Adrian) *argue*

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I'd just like to say, as a total hillclimb virgin, that I really enjoyed Sunday!!!! The supposed lack of facilities is not an issue for me at all (I deem portaloos and a burger wagon the height of luxury - not even any need to break out the stove for a brew!) - helped massively of course, by the liberal dose of sunshine and a surprise total lack of rain (well, on the sunday!). 

The fact that I kept it between the white lines and managed a set of decreasing times (well just bar the last one unfortunately!) meant I went home smiling..... compounded by that ever present 'arrive and drive' return journey of course. Loved it!!! 

For what it's worth (if I can afford to still be doing this this time next year) I will defintely be back.... if it's still on the list!!!!!!!

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I had a great weekend too.  Thanks to the staff at Rogers Towers Hotel for their kindness and Sunday's racing was excellent.  Although I have to say, the competition was a bit too good for me.  Well done Michael.

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Are you suggesting that wasn't the fastest way around that corner Simon *driving*


In my defence, I did come clean about my misdemeanour, particularly as (although you can't see it in the photo) I came perilously close to wiping out the timing equipment, which I suspect may not have made me too popular *eek*


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