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K-Series Overheating - A good solution with fitting Instructions


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I have had a QED Remote Stat fitted for a number of years now, very similar initial reason as stated by others here, namely an inability to control engine temps, particularly whilst stationary. I actually installed the QED stat and a Radtec at the same time. 

Overall I'm very pleased with the setup, it does control temperatures very nicely (even on track) and completely eradicated the issue I used to have. However it does, to my mind, introduce another issue that doesn't occur in the standard setup. 

When starting from cold (and particularly in cold weather), the radiator and most of the bottom hose is completely bypassed until the stat opens. The effect of this is that the water in the rad particularly is "supercooled" and when the stat does open the cold water then rushes round the system and has the effect of partially closing the stat again, so the cycle starts again. It can take several cycles before the temp evens out fully. It may be exaggerated on my car due to the Radtec but this effect is noticeable on the gauge. 

I'm not clever enough to know exactly what impact this all has but I do know one of the reasons why the k-series was said to suffer HG issues was due to thermal shock (cold water entering a hot engine). 

I've been trying think about solutions to this issue but not yet really come up with one that is foolproof. Drilling some holes in the stat may help a bit but I suspect that the small amount of water released into the rad will simply cool quickly and make no relevant impact. I've looked at redirecting the bypass into a different place (e.g. into top hose or further back in the bottom hose rather than the submarine) but not convinced these will make any practical difference either. 

Overall I like the solution and will be sticking with it but like most things it isn't a magic bullet.


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Bingo, The file size was too large. Small hose attached to hose between expansion tank and submarine tube. I may be wrong here as photo above fitted differently? 

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As I said I never fitted mine but I think mine is in accordance with the instructions from QED http://files.qedmotorsport.co.uk/k-series_qed_remote_thermostat_fitting.pdf but the text does say 

The inlet side of the housing also has the bypass take-off (small brass fitting). The bypass can be plumbed back into the line that returns to the header tank, using the small bore hose and T piece supplied. The bypass should be connected so that the water flowing through it feeds to the back of the pump whether it is via the header tank or the heater matrix.

So I think that either option is valid?

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Malcolm, thanks for that, I'll give that a go, it's the easiest option to try as well.

Callum, that's how mine's plumbed in as well, no issues for about 6 years. Ultimately provided the bypass circuit reaches the bottom hose I don't think it matters that much.


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