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160 owners: hunt for the 12v socket supply - Found!


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I've hunted along the loom, using a mirror, phone camera, and even put one of my kids in the footwell upside down to look for it (Derek's recommendation!). But I still haven't found what I'm looking for...

For those 160 owners who managed to find the 12v connector, can you remember exactly where you found it? Was it tywrapped into the main loom behind the scuttle? Derek said it would be on the passenger side. 

On my travels, I've found an empty 3-pin Aces gearchange light connector (may come in useful one day, who knows) behind the ignition barrel, but everything else is already wired in. 

Also, once found, do you think it would be suitable for running not only a 12v fag light connector, but also a USB connector (I'm going to position it between the seats on the bulkhead). The current will be very low.

Any help gratefully received...


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Hi Ned it is underneath the dash on the passenger side, two way connector shaped like a large "T" with 2 wires, black and purple/black. Mine was very easy to find and you can get the male connector very easily which plugs directly into the back of the cigarette lighter socket



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Hopefully Martin is correct but when I built my Supersport last year, Derek was insistent that the connector was tied to the passenger side wiper motor but it wasn't - it was actually in the boot! Apparently there are 2 different looms with different places for the 12v connection. 160 may be different though.

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Thanks to all, and especially to Mike for posting his photos. 

Eureka, I've found it. It could not have been more hidden. No wonder Caterham charge so much to fit it. It's worth £100 in osteopath's bills alone.

Next question: has anyone used it in 'reverse', i.e. to charge the batttery?


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I bought what I though was the closest fit from eBay (but it didn't quite fit).

However, it was 'relatively' easy to insert a screw driver, slide out the spade connectors, and replace the existing socket and plug.


disclaimer. Others may have found the exact fit, and I did have to work head down in the footwell to sort it out.

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Thanks Jonathan

The bit of loom in question is wired into the main fuse box, with a 10A fuse. I will test it, but I imagine it is always on - otherwise it's not going to be any use for charging. My Optimate puts out 0.8A on bulk charge.

I plan to fit a 12v cig lighter under the scuttle (for charging phones and charging the car battery), and then a double USB socket between the seats on the rear bulkhead for GoPro/phone/etc (protected in the boot 'V' with a bit of shaped aluminium resembling the fuel pipe cover in the corner). 


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As per the original post but for a 2012 K-Series EU3 with diagnostic socket under dash on drivers side, has anyone found the accessory/cig lighter socket plug and if so where did you find it if indeed it exists on my car, have looked under/behind dash especially on passenger side and under carpet in boot. Wire colours would be handy. Only floating un-used plugs I can see are heater (the car doesn't have one fitted) and two single bladed male crimps with something between 3.7 & 7v on them depending whether ignition is on or not.

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