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Frustrated Searching...


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Area Representative
For me Search may be fully implemented but I retain a huge and substantial preference (within this site) for a directed search. However, this may be familiarity; I know for what I am searching and know where to look. When searching the web for other things, an open-ended search is frequently more effective. We are stuck with what we have, I use search as little as possible and rely on my memory and scrolling through pages in a visual search.
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  • Support Team

Put a phrase in quotes to search for the phrase. e.g. "oil filter", "bush removal"

Search for term a AND term b (use capitals for AND) to find content containing both terms. e.g. oil AND filter, bush AND removal

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  • 4 months later...
  • Area Representative

See my post in the Issues thread.

I think that, unlike the mighty and highly successful Google which assumes you really are search for these woords in associations, our search covers either or word with no preference for both. Thus putting more words in diminishes the accuracy of the search rather than enhancing it. Putting quotation marks will only help if you need those words in strict association.

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The search routine is quite powerful now and the problem of it only searching text in the first post has been fixed.

You can use AND, OR and NOT in the search string so searching for 

bush AND wishbone NOT removal will only return searches with bush and wishbone in them, but exclude any that contain removal. 

Way ray better than the old BC search.


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i have no idea why it is different to the old search, but it doesn't bother me. What I do like is that it is much better at finding things than the old one was - it often failed to find things that I knew were there and it was very erratic if you searched on usernames. 

The odd thing about the new one is that it seems to parse the search terms - "removal" seems to find entries with "remove" highlighted, so it seems to be doing it intelligently, but it isn't always helpful if you are trying to be very specific in your search 


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  • Area Representative

Hi Steve, I, too, had noticed that it returned parts of the words I enter. I don't like this as I am always searching for particular items. If that is what is defined aas "intelligent" then I prefer "stupid" as does the world's most popular and effective search facility.

I hear so much about industry/commerce looking at what other people do and adopting best practice (there was something on this in the NHS on the Today Programme this very morning), so I am aware that to adopt a different approach ("Thinking outside the box" *yawn* ) needs to meet exacting and exaulted criteria. I don't think this site hits such a performance standard.

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I don't know either - it does make more sense if it works the same way that Google search works, but Google allows Boolean operators so using them in BC searches is only a good thing! It still isn't as powerful as Google's though...



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  • 2 months later...

have posted this as a seperate topic but thought I would also add it here as well, as this thread is referenced in the issues document

Still having search problems

I thought I had got my head around this, I can find most stuff eventually (but do resort to Google) but what am I doing wrong here, quite prepared to be chastised for stupidity

on a thread here I did an upload guide for images, I was trying to find it yesterday to answer a question posted , I could not find it anywhere until I resorted to using Google, using terms like  click upload  button returned way too many results as did click AND upload AND button tried "click upload button" found nothing, I know that phrase occurs in the post so why am I not finding the post. what am I doing wrong

- See more at: http://www.lotus7.club/forum/bugs/still-having-search-problems#sthash.VuOJ7drQ.dpuf

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Yes, that happens sometimes - it looks like some of the posts are not being picked up by the search. In the early days search only looked at the first post, but now it seems to find most posts, although the example you give shows that it is still happening and so isn't a migration issue.

FWIW, I never thought that the old BC search returned everything it should (sorry Barry!), but nobody seemed to mind. 


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Thanks Steve, I suppose the problem is we don't know how much isn't indexed, even if I do say so myself I am pretty good a searching and often have problems finding things I know have been posted , far more often than on old BC. It is always concerning if we don't know what we can't find (if you see what I mean) especially when trying to search Tech. I know Google searches find the stuff that isn't indexed but I suspect a lot of people aren't aware that Google can be used and how to use it to search specific sites, and it shouldn't really be necessary to go to an outside search engine. Especialy when members are regulary told that there is nothing wrong with the search tool and we must be doing something incorrectly. Hopefully as time goes on NDP will be able to sort the problem, indexing shouldn't be a difficult task, should it



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  • Support Team

Please can someone post specific instances where an expected thread doesn't appear in search so we have something to look for.

Indexing can be quite a large overhead on a website so it isn't typically done immediately but is done at scheduled points. For some reason, sometimes it gets behind. We have reported this in the past and it has been fixed. I'll report it again and try to understand the root cause.

I have also requested that the default search be boolean AND rather than OR. I'll let you know if this is possible.

Bear in mind Google spend billions on their search engine and we are using a free Open Source search. Personally I think it's pretty good (ignoring the missing indexes) and returns expected results reliably. There are several filters available as well to narrow things down. The search covers all content types so if you are looking for technical help you will get results from the Guides section, Blogs and even News as well as from Techtalk.

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Shaun Hi,

Thanks for reply, I  posted specifics last week in Bugs here, 2 other members have tested,and had same problem with that specific thread  tested with Mac and PC, the post I was looking for was posted several months ago so shouldn't be just a delay to indexing,






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  • Support Team

Hi Tim - I just searched for

picture AND android

and your thread was the first returned. However the terms you tried don't work so it looks like the title has been indexed but not the text in the thread. It's a good example for me to be take back to the developers.



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  • 4 weeks later...

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