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Laminova and Dry sump


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Hi, I have a quesiton that I have been pondering for a while.

I fitted a Laminova to my last car which was excellent for heating the oil quickly on warm up but primarily it cured the issue I had of the oil on track days getting really hot and only managing 10 mins before having to pit. This I removed before i sold the car and scratched a big itch of owning a SLR, fortunately this one came with a dry sump. Now my question is that whilst I only do a few track days I want avoid a repeat of the problem, but no experience of dry sump. Do I need to consider fitting the laminova or will the dry sump cure the issue with oil getting too hot on track. 

Also if it is worth ftting is this a difficut job, the last one had fitments for an apollo tank, is there standard fitments available to put into the dry sump system, the car has the caterham bellhousing type dry sump set up.

Would appreciate any guidance, bofore the car comes out of its winter hibernation.





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Phil, you will need to do your own plumbing for the laminova, Is the tank in the gearbox bell ? It will heat up the oil faster but if it will cool the oil is another question. Do you have a oil cooler on the dry sump ? if yes you can blank it partially when it's cold so that the oil will run a bit warmer.

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Hi Phil

No need for the laminova with a dry sump to keep the oil cool, in theory it might help to warm the oil quicker but in reality it warms quickly enough anyway.

With a wet sump the crank sits in the oil and thrashes around in it leading to air bubbles and high temperatures which is why the Apollo and Laminova is a common cure. No such problems with the DS.

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There is a fundimental problem with the Laminova set up that if fitted in the pressure line you will suffer a pressure drop, so if you plumbing it in a DS set up ensure it's in the scavenge hose.

Also it pegs both oil and water temps at the same level, but the oil is designed to run higher, so a better set up for track use is to use an oil cooler again in the scavenge hose with stat control. 

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Thanks for the all advise, i did see a slight drop in oil presssure when i had it fitted to my other engine with wet sump, but the benefits out weighed this issue. It seems that there is a potential benefit to fitting it, but reading the comments maybe a better solution is to install an oil cooler as described by  7 Wonders. It seems the oil heats up ok with the DS from comments so a stat control on an oil cooler seems to be a better solution.

Really appreciate the information, it has given me the answer i needed.




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