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Club 2015 Track Days

Andy Wendler

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Ladies and Gents, let me introduce myself

My name is Andy Wendler and I have put my head above the parapet and agreed to be track day organiser for this year, but would hasten to add that Merrick (and hopefully Phil) will still be involved where they can be, so hopefully between us we can organise some memorable days over the next 12 months!

A number of people have posted they would like to see the 2015 list of track days, which I’m working on as we speak. However I need people’s input as to where they want to go, if the preference is for 7 only days or happy to share with other clubs, etc,etc

As a starter for ten, we have provisionally booked a 7 only day at Cadwell, which has been pencilled in for Monday 18th May. However I understand this may clash with number of other events and so have alternative dates of the Weds 6th or Thursday 14th of May, possibly 6th looking more favourite.

Given this was last year most attended TD, it would be good to try and get it right for as may members as we can, so if people could advise on a preferred date as soon as they could, it would be appreciated.

With regards other venues, we have the possibility to do Brands GP (9/6) and Brands Indy (evening, date TBC), Oulton (22/7, 22/9 or 24/10) or Snetterton (Number of dates to choose from)

All of these will (bar Snetterton) be us buying seven twenty minute sessions in a larger track day.

I’ve also got enquires out with Donnington (98dba restriction), Castle Combe and Anglesey.

I would stress that all of these are subject to discussions with the MT at the next meeting on the 24th Jan.

So that’s my update for now, any comments and suggestions gratefully received  either via this post or to me at andy.wendler@lotus7club.com

Cheers for now 


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Hi Andy

Thanks for taking on the job!

Cadwell is my favourite Club day, and I've done most of them across the last nine years. I can't make 6 May this year though, so I'm really hoping you'll go for Thurs 14th!

Like most people I prefer OPL to sessions, but I realise the economics are difficult. A July Brands Indy OPL evening is always fun, and Snetterton would be great too.  Oulton I would do if spring or summer - it's always wet up there in the autumn!  What about Lydden?  The Hethel day last year was also fantastic.

Is there any chance at all of a Club trip to Spa, just like the old days? I'd sign up for that in a flash..

Good luck and thanks again..

Stephen *byebye* 

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Well done on taking the helm of the club trackday ship, Andy.

I've not driven on a club day at Cadwell before, which I wouldn't mind trying this year. My preference is also Thursday 14th May.

A club-only OPL day at Snetterton would be great. Grant's OBNS evenings used to be great fun, but they were getting tougher to fill in recent years.

The annual Brands GP and Hethel dates are always welcome on the trackday calendar, especially when I have a car that works properly.

Finally, a club Spa or even Nordschleife trip would be amazing, but I think costs and commitment would be prohibitive. Maybe tag a club presence onto an already organised event?

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Congratulations on taking on the job *bow*

I would be very happy with Cadwell on 18th May, as for me it makes perfect sense to go on after the Club Sprint at Curborough on the previous day. The evening session at Brands would also be attractive, especially if that can be OPL as well.

I hope we all make to job an enjoyable experience for you - and thanks!


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Hi Andy,

Well done for taking up the TD organising role.

My immediate reaction to your Brands GP day is that it clashes with the leaving day to Le Mans.  As I always do both every year and Le Mans is booked,  I can not do my my favourite circuit (and it's next door). *curse* *grumpy*

A Brands Indy evening is also a good favourite which I will attend and any of the Cadwell dates are good for me.  Would suggest the Oulton Park dates be July or Sep.

Hope this helps.


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Hi Andy

Well done for taking on the job. I usually do the Cadwell trackday, prefer Monday's as it gives me a non work day to get organised and loaded, but any day is good. Donington would be good as it is close for me but I cannot get through their noise test, but if you booked it I would have to get the car sorted to get it through, as I would like to do it.  Regards kevin.

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Thanks for all comments and suggestions, all gratefully received. Just answering some of the points/questions;

Cadwell - agreed we will just need to pick a day, as its going to be a struggle to square the circle.

Non blighty track days - going to be difficult, as so many TDO's do them, I am speaking to Bookatrack to see if there is anything that can be done as part of a larger event. Realistically they chip a few £ off or throw in garages, etc This won't be a 7 event but if I can do something for members, happy to have a crack!

Donington - would be good for me to as its only 10mins from where i live!

Hethel - sorry, should have been on the list, yes, I've got enquiries out there to find out dates, etc 

OPL - yes, where possible, with the 7 x 20 min slots with the MSV tracks clearly its an all 7 session, so a 20min OPL. Where we take the entire track, then OPL no problem.

Overall it more likely that we can take slots from TDO's or do something with them, rather than take full days ourselves, as the cost will simply be too prohibitive. 

Finally, as per my original post, I'm keen to get stuck in but the guys and girls on the MT may well point out things that I should have taken into consideration, so please take all of these as ideas that will get firmed up but please do keep banging ideas/thoughts/suggestions over to me.

Cheers for now 




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  • Leadership Team

Andy, nice meeting you last night *beer*

Andy has some great ideas that could be interesting to new/novice TD participants which in turn might push up the numbers a little, obviously a key factor in maintaining a healthy number of days and the spread around the country.

With respect to Oulton .... it's total lies that in October it always rains in Cheshire. Honest *frown*


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Hi Andy, nice one for taking this on!

I'm keen on doing Cadwell again after a great day last year.  The 6th is prefered, definately couldn't do the 18th.

A return to Oulton Park would be great too.  I particularly like the suggested dates which are either earlier in the year than usual or on a Saturday, rather than the usual late October weekday.

Could be tempted by Anglesey aswell.


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I did my first track day last year at the Brands evening event. I thought it was a great introduction to TDs and there seemed to be a number of novices all getting aquianted to track driving.

It would be good to do something similar again to attact more of the new owners.

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Many thanks!

Cadwell - I have no preference for the date but would love to do it this year if possible.  Perhaps the Monday after Curborough is best for me.

Donington - please yes!  I've always wanted to drive there.

Castle Combe would be good too.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Andy May I echo the previous thanks for taking on the role. 

But 7 x 20 min slots is not OPL

I dont wish to be a "downer" but I just dont drive session days and I know quite a few who feel the same way. Ive made my feeling known before so I wont go into them again.

Let me just say that you cant please all of the people all of the time! *hehe*

People who step up to the plate especially when I am not prepared to do it deserve a "Well done" for taking on the role.  *clap*


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  • Leadership Team

Grant, the only way we've been able to do Oulton in recent years (running solely Caterhams) has been by accpting that we take one of the three MSV sessions. If you can get a few more owners from down south to atttend a full day might be feasible, but with the economy being the way it has been, even filling a sessioned day has proved difficult. 

Andy, any more thoughts on some of the ideas we batted around at Wybunbury?


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Stu I know the difficulties having arrange my own track events through MSV in years gone by and you are right the down turn in the economy has impacted on numbers. I used to do between 12 to 15 track days a year but that was down to 9 last year.

It became increasingly difficult to fill all the places on my events and at the last 2 events I agreed that MSV would open it up to 12 members of the public in order to make it work.

The Club spent significant amounts of money in years gone by in an effort to support events where the Club had hired the track from MSV and was the cause of much debate. I understand the economics and by accepting part sessions the Club is reasonably insulated from big losses.

I generally come up to Oulton at least once a year as I believe that its the best track in the UK by far.

However from my point of view cost is a factor in me not attending more TD at Oulton. A typical day is now around £250 + garage £25 + second driver £25 to which I need to add about £85 in track fuel. To this I need to include 2 nights stay in a hotel which last year was £90 + food so £150ish and then there is the cost of fuel on the round trip to Norwich.... another £100.

So the day works out to around £635 for me.  

The other thing is that I really I quite like having other types of car on track. You should have seen the grin on my face as the driver of a McLaren 12c was blue flagged and had to pull over to let me past. To be fair he really was a slow driver as he should have blown me off into the weeds. But Nice all the same!

Perhaps the event will be better attanded  this year with the economy picking up. I do hope so.


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Simple answer is no, its with the money men who are checking to make sure its all within the rules, which ever rules they are!


Agreed the session days are not open pit lane in the true sense of the word, so apologises if I have mislead anybody, I was simply trying say that there were no restrictions with the 20 mins. Sorry to hear that these don't suit you, maybe see you at Cadwell then?




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