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PT Sports Cars clear out


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As a private memeber I get the benefit of advertising online and in Lowflying for my annual fee, why can't dealers have the same facility for naturally in increased fee.

The 'trade' section could then be made memebers only with the aim of creating a destination area for potential buyers, thus pulling numbers back form Pistonheads, Facebook and increasing membership numbers etc.

The additional memberships fees could then be used to sort this new website which is still depressing to use and I understand why we are loosing posts.............. something needs to change as at the moment I'm considering if the £49.95 annual fee can be justified............ I guess I'm not the only one either.


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To follow on from a previous comment

Is it me! But it always makes me wonder why we make life so difficult.

may I forward a suggestion any trader who pays advertising revenue via LF would be able to advertise on a traders for sale area only avaliable to members

I dont need a reply just a area giving a benefit to the members


food for thought

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FFS, "protecting the Low Flying advertising revenue"?  Don't we (including Ian) pay enough already for low flying and the web site?

This ad was a useful service to members. Removing it has made Blatchat even less useful than it has been since the management f***ed it up.

I'm off to my internet banking site to make sure I don't have a direct debit in favour of the club. It's really not worth it any more.  Please go ahead and shout "good riddance" if it makes you feel good.

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Also agree with Roger as you can see from my previous points raised, I fail to see why it's so difficult to sort this. I've just sold some parts on the new "Caterham and Lotus 7 Owners Group" facebook site and they went instantly. it just shows that most owners are now defaulting to that site and not this one as the "traffic" seems far greater and most subjects discussed are actually 7 related.

I really do want to stay a club member but seeing more and more restrictions on what can and what can't be done just puts me off. It's like living in bl00dy Switzerland!! ;-)


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Hang on everybody, this is not a new diktat from on high, this has been club policy for donkeys years. Much as I would love to say "how high" when you suddenly want me to jump this is just before Christmas and I have deadlines to meet. A club member has offered to spend a little time sorting out how we can do this but I have struggled to find the time so far to contact him.

Patience is required......unless you want to pay my mortgage 


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If some someone want to sell parts and clearly state that he is a dealer AND offer the same waranty as if you buy it trough their normal channel i don't see any problem and can't see no need for extra monitoring. Do not forget that the original post with parts didn't had a price on the items !!

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There's a lot of comments on here ringing true with me. My preferred site to browse was always the old Blatchat. Any spare minute, I'd have a look. Always something new etc. The new site hasn't got that, for whatever reason. There's very rarely anything for sale. I've joined facebook, and found a variety of groups I'm now signed up to, so I browse that now. So, in effect, I pay almost £50 for a magazine. Its good, but would I walk in W H Smith and pay £4 a go for it. I doubt it, because I rarely do with any of them. So, if I can interact with 7 owners through FB, buy stuff and sell surplus bits through FB, get a faster response to any questions, do I really need the club. This might be the virtual age, or it might be the new site, but I think I'll probably not renew. Shame, couldn't imagine ever leaving; but now I can't really see a logical reason to stay??

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Hi Ed

The face book thang is good but how do you feel about buying from someone on face book, possibly sharing your email address or phone number openly, with Blatchat you can do the private message thing and people within the 7 community are very trustworthy, unless I am missing something on Facebook.


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Well Phil , "unless I am missing something on Facebook."  you are ;-) thats what Private messaging on FB is for, and as the people in the FB group are , in the majority members or ex members of L7C or at least Caterham owners I guess one would have the same levels of trust.


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