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Ignition barrel removal

Delberts Wallet

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I think this has been covered before but I can't find it in the achives.


I was going to remove my ingnition barrrel last night as I'm fitting an ignition switch on the dash board. Having looked at it I can't find any bolts to undo, well I can but they havn't got any heads on them *confused*


So how do I take the thing off ? Is it a case of drilling, sawing, grinding ?


I did try dilling the headless bolts but can't get a drill in for love or money.


Any Ideas would be great.






Blue and Carbon Supersport T561 LKJ


Edited by - Gareth Harrold on 15 Jan 2003 11:15:17

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*thumbdown* Fraid the security bolts on the barrel have heads on them that snap off when tightened to prevent tealeafs *thumbdown*


Just done mine *thumbup* - a real 🙆🏻 of a job.


What you need is a flexible drive attached to the drill or as Anthony suggest cut it off 😬 😬 😬

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I have the starter button but retained the ignition barrel for the steering lock.


Any idea on the insurance side of loosing the steering lock? I do not have a release steering wheel.


It is a K series with an imobiliser so do i "need" the steering lock? Do the thieves get round the lock in the process of hotwiring it?


Being as I start building it next week, anything is still possible 😬



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I've just posted an additional wiring diagram here for wiring-up the "Big Red", but keeping the key switch for ignition AND to arm the "Big Red" - if this is what you were planning to do 😬

Wish you luck and no dzzzt - DAMN!

I guess you decided to dispence with the guarded toggle switch *cool*




Waiting for my BRG SV kit. 😬 Is there any other colour?

(Superior Version) - Still 10 weeks to go! Miscalculated - Bu**er

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