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2015 Tech forum - non-technical regulations

Matthew Willoughby

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Please see below a link to the proposed 2015 regs as drafted at the end of last year.


I propose that it should be in our regulations that all cars must carry the 2015 Speed Championship sticker so that our sponsors get maximum exposure for their money.  Any stickers from previous seasons that show the logos of past sponsors should be removed from all cars.  
Edward Lewis Cup scoring – the current scoring system is not perfect.  If a driver competes at a venue for the first time and the track is wet for the timed runs they will inevitably record a slow time. If that driver returns during a  subsequent season and the circuit is dry, they will inevitably receive a very high Edward Lewis score due to a big improvement in time, even though this may predominantly be due to changing conditions.  A large score acquired from a situation like this may be impossible for other competitors to overcome over a full season of events. 
We could exclude all wet events from Edward Lewis but this is not ideal and somebody would have to determine which events are “wet”.  Alternatively, we could write into the rules that a driver’s best Edward Lewis event score from the year should be excluded from the final championship results calculation.  This may not be perfect, as the wet track/dry track situation may happen more than once in a season, but it would get rid of the skewing effect of a single unusual event. 

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From compiling the Scores and the Edward lewis scores I would propose the following amendment to the edward lewis calculation instead of either the "Wet" judgement or excluding a single high score.

Any individual event Edward Lewis score which is greater than three times the average of a competitors POSITIVE edward lewis scores under 7 shall be discounted for the season total edward lewis score.

This would not penalize consistant good performance improvements but would discount any spurious high scores due to only competing in only previous wet event.

And is quite an easy formula........

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Agree Edward Lewis is not perfect but neither is life.  It all gets to complicated.  Its supposed to be fun.

I will not be putting larger stickers on the car just as this year.  It removes the paint at the end of the year even after every trick in the book and a hot air gun.

If it means I don't enter the champs so be it.  We should not be putting rules in place we should be removing rules!!!!!!!!! *ranting*

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I agree with Simon - keep it simple - no system can be perfect. The chances of the Edward Lewis cup being won by someone who competed in a 100% wet year , followed by a 100% dry year are minimal. I benefited this year when I went to venues I hadn't been to for a few years - that's life. Each of the winners of the EL Cup have shown a marked step improvement in the year they have won, so the system is working.

Stickers - please dont forget that some of us compete in more that one championship and are under pressure from all sponsors to display stickers - any sticker rule therefore needs to be reasonable.



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A simple solution to stickers that I have employed over the years to facilitate their removal at the end of each season is very simple and effective. Do not remove all of the backing paper but just cut away a 3-4mm border around the edge this will leave a miminal amount of sticker that actually sticks to the car and hence is easily removed......

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Matthew - I would like to propose a new non-technical rule - so I hope this is the right place.

I would like to propose that we limit the number of timed runs that count towards our championship at any event to a maximum of four runs.

This would not mean that competitiors could not take advantage if further runs are offered and continue to get track experience, it would simply limit the number of competition runs.


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Number of runs will always be contentious, 

We've all had event's with small entries where the organisers have stuck to the two timed runs and had an early finish.

We've also only had a handful of events where the number of runs have gone on to 5,6 and 7 runs as time was available, so limiting to 2 practice  + 4 timed runs would not be unacceptable, however I doubt that anyone would take advantage of additional runs at the end of the day if they did not count just to gain experience.



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Grahame, most championships only count 2 runs - though having competed in championships where only the first two count, I have found this disappointing. I think that 3 is perfect, but was suggesting 4 as I know some are anti a restriction! As you say, it is more about knowing where you stand.


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I also don't see the need to have a limit. As a novice, more runs is more track time and welcome after travelling a distance to events and an opportunity to learn tracks. 

Only two events this year had 4 timed runs, Aintree and Anglesey National, all the rest were 2 or 3 timed runs anyway.


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I totally agree with Simon, Clive and Mike re no limits....

As a newbie on a budget, I'm totally up for as many cracks at it as possible... My take is that anything that adds value is good (superficially 4 minutes of track time for my hundred plus quid doesn't  feel like a particularly good return.... any opportunity to improve that cost/time ratio is welcomed with open arms). And of course, at my level, every single run is increasing my experience level quite significantly... (I only just managed to make the minimum 5 club events this season (for the novice champs) -  would loved to of done them all, but unfortunately that just ain't gonna happen...).

Just my personal perspective...

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IMO no limit on runs, but I understand the counter argument, but think overall the more runs the better.

Stickers - IMO - yes we should display the sponsors stickers if the are in some way contributing to our championship, surely they must get something out of it? plus it is rude not to ;)


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Edward Lewis: Scores at each event collated across all classes to give 10 points for a win, 9 for second etc. regardless of whether scores are negative. Scores added to give overall EL championship score with best 7 (?) scores counting. This keeps it fairly simple I hope, and removes most of the dry/wet factor (you might get 10 points which can be caught, but you won't get 20 seconds which can't)

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I fully agree that we should display the current year's sticker. I am surprised that it is not already a requirement.

As regards the number of runs the more the better. It is clear that I need the practice so, like others, I feel that more runs gives us more value and more track time, particularly when I have travelled a large distance to get to the event. 

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Edward Lewis - my view is we ought to keep it simple and not worry about complicated formulae to overcome the wet v dry run problem.

Stickers - agree it is reasonable to require one current year sticker to be displayed.

Number of runs - my strong preference is for no limit, as now.



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Run numbers - Tricky this; I can see both sides so I won't commit either way.  Happy with a decision to be made for me.

Edward Lewis - This should be expanded to 7 best results IMO but no scores should be discounted.  That would remove legitimately acquired higher scores that weren't affected by weather.  I think this ought to be left alone.

Stickers - I think these should be displayed as a courtesy to sponsors but then I've not had my paint come off yet.  Most championships also require this.


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My view FWIW .....

Number of runs - personally I like no limits/as many as possible. Like most I imagine there are considerable distances to travel to get to events so as much track time as possible has to be a good thing doesn't it? After all experience should pay dividends in improvements shouldn't it?

As the sponsors have supported our series I agree the least we can do is put two stickers on our cars. Might not agree when I come to remove them but nevertheless...and I don't like stickers on my car *grumpy*

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