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No tyre warming at Gurston


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Just saw that Gurston are implementing a ban on all tyre warming before start line


Gurston Down Speed Hillclimb (BARC SW) will from the start of the 2015 season ban wheel spinning (‘tyre warming’) prior to the start line. This will apply across the board, NO class will be exempt.

Due to ongoing noise concerns from some local residents it has become apparent that it is the noise frequency from tyre warming and its repetitiveness through competition that is causing the most annoyance.

The committee of BARC SW feel it is better for us to make this difficult decision now, rather than have it imposed upon us by outside agencies.


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The B&B  we stayed at a couple of years ago told us that they were fed up with the noise complainers, as the hillclimb is too good a source of income for the local economy to loose, especially when the British Hillclimb events are on. They wished more locals would take advantage of free entry for them too.

Mind you, Mark, they were pretty tolerant people, putting up with me arriving back at the B&B at midnight *beer*


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  • So, 99% (if not 100%) of everybody who lives within earshot of Gurston, bought their house at least 30 years after the Hillclimb venue opened!  And I suspect the other 1% are so old now, that they are deaf!  *rolleyes*
  • Frankly, they have no right at all to complain about noise on event weekends.  They had full knowledge of the hillclimb location when they bought their house.  I see no difference between these ridiculous complaints and me buying my house and then complaining to the local council to get the Solent Coastguard helicopter gounded, Lee airfield shut down and all power craft banned from the solent...... not to mention, the local farmer banned from ploughing the field next to me.  After all, I bought a house with a field next to it - I couldn't possibly expect there to ever be a tractor in the locale.  *ranting**ranting**ranting*  No need to say what my opinion is of the local Salisbury council.
  • Anyway, I'm guessing that will reset the records - be interesting to see the difference.


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At this years event tyre warming was banned for the 3rd practice run as an experiment. If I remember correctly everybody was slightly slower, but there were no major offs at hollow.

I don't see a problem with this as it is the same for everybody and it would be a pity to lose such a good venue.


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  • I was only having a moan as the house behind my workshops has moaned to the council about machine noise during working hours!  She bought her house (20yds away) 5 years ago and you can see the workshops from all her back windows.  They have been building and repairing boats right there since 1363.
  • The council have, believe it or not, issued a letter to us and installed a noise meter.*rolleyes* There seems to be no common sense.

I'm not that bothered about the lack of tyre warming as it is the same for everyone, it just seems a shame, all things considered.  No more 2 point 0 something 64foots.  *cry*


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I don't agree that a noise or any other nuisance should continue simply because it has been there in the past. Whoever regulates the balance between some people's pleasure or work or income and other people's annoyance needs to find a solution for the future. That free entry sounds like a smart idea for breaking down barriers or even as something approaching compensation. Do the organisers and participants do other things to promote communication and understanding and tell the Council how much pleasure the events bring? Jonathan

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I can hear our new clutch saying "thank goodness, only another 7 events to get tyre warming banned at and I should last forever" *driving* ; the tyres are nodding in agreement (well the 3 round ones are - the 4th one knows his days are numbered <mutter mutter Shaun mutter Flatspot mutter> *nono*


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At least its being properly and consistently managed - we don't find out halfway through the weekend that some tyre warming is sort of permitted a bit as long at its just a teensy bit and some people do alot and others none because they thought it only applied to the single seaters...   mutter mutter mumble grumble Angelsey (spit).

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At least it will be the same for us all - thank heavens for a tyre warmer though *yes*

So far we have managed to annoy two sets of neighbours - one with the hedges (obviously) and when Mark came over to kindly help diagnose the problem I had with a missfire after Wiscombe - a very irate lady stormed up the drive to tell me that we had been making that noise revving the engine all day and that it was totally unnecessary...... I should have asked her to elaborate - she may have been a expert in K series engines and she had already worked out it was a gasket failure on the jenveys *rolleyes* ...or maybe not. She wasn't even next door, but from across the road. Mind you, I did have the airbox off........

I hate to think what she makes of the continuous noise the birds make round here..... to say noting of the foghorns and the fast cat ferry to the IoW! I think I will complain to someone about both *blabla*

It would be interesting to know who at Gurston is affected by the noise - it is hard to imagine who is near enough for it to be a real nuisance, and how many weekends a year?

And I am not surprised someone has complained about the noise near you Stuart - I have been sitting in the paddock next to your exhaust enough times!!!!


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I believe that Gurston do contribute to the Village close by.  I wasn't aware of the free entry (now that is an incentive to move to Broad Chalke!).  However I believe that all of the camping fees go to the village.  Clearly this hasn't worked or has been forgotten.

My view is that it is a fun part of the event, especially for the spectators.  There is nothing more exhilarating than standing next to one of the big single seaters when they light up the tyres.  

Whether tyre warming is effective is up for debate.  I am not so sure.  It is difficult to believe that the tyres are still warm by the time the start line shuffle has been completed.  

I will miss the tyre warming, mainly because it was a good way to clean the tyres or all the grit and c**p from the paddock.



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  • So, 99% (if not 100%) of everybody who lives within earshot of Gurston, bought their house at least 30 years after the Hillclimb venue opened!  And I suspect the other 1% are so old now, that they are deaf!  http://www.lotus7.club/sites/all/libraries/smileys/pheads/rolleyes.gif
  • Frankly, they have no right at all to complain about noise on event weekends.  They had full knowledge of the hillclimb location when they bought their house.  I see no difference between these ridiculous complaints and me buying my house and then complaining to the local council to get the Solent Coastguard helicopter gounded, Lee airfield shut down and all power craft banned from the solent...... not to mention, the local farmer banned from ploughing the field next to me.  After all, I bought a house with a field next to it - I couldn't possibly expect there to ever be a tractor in the locale.  *ranting**ranting**ranting*  No need to say what my opinion is of the local Salisbury council.


In which case, there may be interest in signing up to this e-petition (yes yes, another e-petition...):


Its origin is in protecting music venues from being closed due to noise complaints by residents of homes built later, in the vicinity of pre-existing venues, however the principle could be applied more widely, i.e. if you choose to buy a house next to a racing circuit, you accept the place might be noisy, mentioning no names *cough* Croft *cough* Monza *cough* Castle Combe *cough* .

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