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A021R to be discontinued!


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Please keep us posted on how you get on with the Rainsports.


They are Rain Experts, and frustratingly, they have stopped making them. There is a Rain Expert 3 now which looks very different.

Back to my tyres, they survived a dry track day at Goodwood without any more melting than I used to get with 21s. Less grip but just as much fun. They are lasting much better and I really like them, particularly at the price *smile*

edited to clarify who I was responding to

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  • 8 months later...
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Yes Jonathan but winter tyres are different from the wet race spec of the 21Rs. I'm lucky, in that I have a set of E marked 21s ready for this spring/summer/autumn and they may last into 2017, if I spread my driving between the two cars and put my winter tyres back on in November.
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Hello to all.

This is about my recent experience with 185/70 R13 Uniroyal Rain Expert tires.

My car being an ex-Academy model and the official paperwork mentioning the original 185/70 R13 tires size, it must be fitted with such tires for  passing the yearly MoT inspection here in Belgium.

So, as the Yokohama A021R were not available anymore, I purchased one set of Uniroyal RainExpert, not being convinced that it was the best possible choice but as there was not much information about anything else more recommendable….

They were fitted on the car just before the trip to UK, beginning of November last year, for attending the London-Brighton run with other members of the Club. So I had the opportunity to test them on a long journey.

It was a good surprise. With a pressure of at least 1,6 kg/cm² (23 PSI), the flanges are stiff enough for the car to offer a good stability and precise steering (at least in my opinion). These tires were very satisfactory and offered an excellent grip for the fast ride which we had on little twisty roads, in all sorts of treacherous conditions .  Besides of that, compared to lower flanges tires, they offer more comfort and good cruising speed at lower revs, which can be appreciable on long distance trips.

What I’m not so found of, is the look of the car with these tires, especially from the rear as their profile is not the sexiest...

For the summer anyway, I intend to buy a set of Appollo wheels which I will fit with 185/60 R13 Toyo R888 and I will take this opportunity to have the set up checked (although I can’t feel anything really wrong with this). I guess the car will handle even better with these tires and I’m very curious to compare.

Last good thing with the Rain Expert : they are not very expensive.

If anyone has a similar or another sort of experience with these tires, I’ll be glad to hear about it. Like about any other advice concerning recommendable tires for 13” wheels.

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Hi Tery,

I haven't noticed anything of this kind. And in these conditions the ride is smoother than with the 175/55 R13 CR 500 fitted on the car when I got it. I have checked, the pressure is 1,5 kg/cm² (which is closer to 22 PSI) but I had tried 1,3 - 1,4 kg/cm² before and in these conditions, I could feel the lack of stiffness of the flanges. Increasing the pressure by 0,2 kg/cm² made a huge difference and a car much more pleasant to drive.

Now this is just my experience with a car which I'm still discovering. I have no idea of how these tires would behave on a racetrack. I just like to say that for those who want 185/70 R13 tires and who are happy with fast touring, the Rain Expert look like something to try. 



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