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Seat adjustment


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What am I missing? My Leather seats barely go far enough forward for me to reach the pedals (on furthest setting back) and I have to use a cushion. But I have borrowed a car with Tillet seats and these go much further forward and I can drive easily with no cushion.

My car is 1997 the borrowed car is very recent. Is there a difference in the seat runners? Can the runners be moved into a different position? Is it the shape or position of the seats? Help - if buying a Tillet will solve my problem then I'll have to go for it but if it's something that can be resolved with no outlay then I'm all for it.

I know there are some other vertically challenged people out there who seem to have no problem so what can I do?



Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Thanks - where are you based? I would have thought that the Tillets would have less adjustment also, so was surprised when I was able to adjust them further forward. Perhaps my runners have been mounted further back - not having built the car I don't know. Is there more than one postion for mounting the runners? Perhaps I could remount the ones I have. If not then maybe the newer runners do have more adjustment on them. Do you know if the runners are the same for Tillets and leather seats - if they are different then maybe the tillet runners have more adjustment than the leather ones. Am I rambling here...?



Yellow SL *cool* #32

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For me the limiting factor as to how far forwards the seats goes is the width of the seat relative to the width of the cockpit. (ie the seat jams against the sides of the cockpit before I 'run out of' runner. So maybe Tillets are just narrower at the front?



Have tried adjusting the pedals? (just checking *wink*)

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Matthew - that could be the answer although the leather seats are a little flexible so I would expect them to squash in a bit. The seat squab can be lifted out so I'll try doing that and see if the runners go any further forward (when I get my car back that is!).



Yellow SL *cool* #32

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You should be able to move your leather seats forward until the adjuster hits the chassis cross bar - The one that the seat rails are bolted through (Speaking from memory here as I've had Tillets for a while).

Tillets are mounted in various different ways (Not just how the factory does it) so potentially you can mount them on rails that allow a lot more forward movement. It's a bit odd though as it's usually the other way round. I had my leathers as far back as they'd go, whereas the tillets are forward on the adjusters because of the lack of padding creating more room.

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Thanks - I've made a note of your number but will wait until i get my car back and have looked at the runners again. It may be that the runners are Ok so I'll check first.



I am 5'5 but with short legs (no jokes please) and know of other short people who have no problem hence my wondering if there is something wrong with the way my seats are mounted. I believe that the adjuster does hit the chassis rail and therefore will not go any further forward. I have moved the pedals to the postion nearest the driver but still need a cushion to reach. I had accepted this as normal until I drove the car I currently have on loan - this is factory built with Tillet seats and the adjustment is perfect for me (in fact I have them 1 notch back!). Are tillets further forward on the adjusters than leather seats or is there more than one setting possible?


I will have a look at some other cars on Sunday (assuming some brave the weather).


P.S. I am NOT a dwarf thank you very much (if I was I would be making lots of money starring in Lord of the Rings!!!)

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Ideal candidate for the old 'Standard' (now referred to as short cockpit) chassis car then!


It is worth taking the seats out and cleaning the sliders as they can get a bit stiff (ooh err) with age/dirt ingress/corrosion etc. My '93 'S' types were very limited in their 'slidability' range until cleaned and re-greased etc. Now fine *thumbup*


Clamshell Club Founder Member.

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i have a tillet and would like it one more notch forward, but find it would then cover the sidescreen popper near my right shoulder ( suggestions welcome ). had standard velour type seat in before and could get correct position, but much more reclined than tillets, FWIW prefer tillets. i am 5-6 short legs 😳


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In the car I have borrowed, when the seat is furthest forward, the sidescreen popper is covered - I have to slide the seat back before getting out. From reading other posts you can "tilt" the seat by using washers on the front bolts - this would allow you to move further forward but possibly still leaving the popper uncovered. Seems a few people find it more comfortable with the seat at a slight angle.

FWIW, I drove the car again last night and I don't actually sit right back in the tillet seat so it could be that there is no difference between the position of my leather seat and the tillet in the borrowed car - it's actually the shape of the seat and probably the thick winter *thumbdown* coat that enable me to reach the pedals more easily with the tillet. So back to square 1 and using the cushion.

Thanks for all the ideas everyone - back to the mines with my fellow dwarves *wink*



Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Hi Shaun,


Might be better to look at positioning of your pedals. Maybe the car that you have borrowed (with the Tillet) has the pedals closer to the driver?


I am also a short-arse with short legs (5'6", 29" leg) and took a while to get the best cockpit set-up.


With my Tillet in "racing position" I actually fasten the door popper behind the seat. When I'm in "normal driving position" (a little further back), I can't close the top popper, relying ont he bottom popper to hold the door closed (it does the job).


As for tilting the seat - yes, you can pop an extra washer or two under the front of the seat runners. For us shorty-legs this has the advantage of moving the upper body, and hence arms, back a bit so you don't end up stretching to reach the pedals, but hunched over the wheel.


Hope that helps,




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shaun, if you want to call around ruislip at the weekend we can put it on stands and take a look. we can also let you try my car, if you reach, then we can add some honeycomb aluminium to your floor to get the runners level with the bar in front of them. then we could just redrill some new holes and you'd be right as rain. drop me a note if you want to.





Metalic Black SV-VHPD *idea* click here to see our pictures....

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  • 8 years later...

Have this problem now. It seems as follows: the adjustment ratchet has TWO possible mounting locations on the runner. If mounted in the forward position, then only three ratchet holes (things) will poke out at the rear of the runner. If fitted to the rear most position then 4.5 ratrchet holes will stick out at the rear of the runner when seat as forward as possible.


Not all runner shave two mounting positions. The apparent part numbers (maybe, they are stamped into the metal ) are as follows the upper part to which the seat attached is 0646 and the lower floor bolted part is 2306.


The item with only one mounting position (in the rearmost place as compared to the other ) is also 0646 (so much for the idea they would be different).


Our current top possible solution (a comfort also to see it above) is to drill new floor holes as far forward as possible so the runner will go up to the cross bar, which in our case should be far enough.

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yeah well, we used a hand drill and metal bit to drill a very nice set of new holes, so driver's wife and driver can comfortably reach the pedals. Being an SV it was a bit of a challenge single handedly fitting the bolts especially the rear inside (a left hand drive car).


My Seven doesn't have faults, she is perfect, though sometimes some of the parts have an issue.

Things break on sevens, the touring challenge is catching them before they do or being equipped to fix if not - though then finding everyone saying "oh yeah we all know about that one" is not helpful. Now is it?



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Shaun - Do you have a lowered floor?


I moved from Leather to Tillett seats recently and found the Tilletts would move further forward.


I think the Leather seat cushions hit the cross member and thus prevent the seat from moving further forward.


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His legs might have grown long enough in the 8 1/2 years since it was posted, though.

😬 😬 😬

Sadly they haven't.

I fitted Tillets years ago and all is fine. Gill has a foam insert for the Tillets to get her close enough (she is 5'0").

The car now bears very little resemblance to how it was then.




Edited by - Shaun_E on 1 Nov 2011 08:40:59

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