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Happy New Year - what did I miss?


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Hoopy - I used to live between Highbury & Islington and Holloway Tube stations, so you probably spotted me then. I moved to Bath last February so haven't been around there recently.


No snow in Bath, just lots of frost and icyness, but snow forecast for later today apparently.

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Lee - yes please I would love it if you could post some snow to me. Can you guarantee it won't melt in transit though? 😬


It has just started snowing here again - don't think it is going to settle though.


Boonie, my friend has just got back from the Lake District and he said that there is a whole area in the middle which doesn't have any snow at all! *eek*




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ewen - wahey You're identity has been confusing cam7 for a good couple of years - I live mid way between holloway and archway stations (opposite the BP garage). *smile*


Even funnier - cam7 are a bit strange and Bath happens to be the place we thnik everything is near *confused* *smile* *smile* *smile*


HOOPY 500 kg R706KGU

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Hoopy - there's also occasionally a black 1.4SS with cycle wings in the Holloway area. It belongs to a friend of mine and can also be spotted in Pimlico.

I thought about venturing towards cam7, but got scared of being sucked into a black hole. It sounds much busier than bristol7 where there are never any messages.


Bizarre occurence in the office today - I got in at 9ish to find the office in a detailed debate about the age of the planet with reference to the half life of various Uranium isotopes! Not what I needed after a strenuous early morning circuits session.

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There is no snow at all today - it is very disappointing...in fact the sun is shining brightly just to take the mickey...the sun will be in bed by the time I get to leave work...at least if it snowed, I would still be able to play in it later... ☹️ *mad*


Rach, sulking ☹️

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I'm going to Scotland tomorrow, where it's ALWAYS snowing *cool*


I might bring some down to Autosport... as my little present for the commagirls *tongue*






☹️ My Caterham Silver Jubilee No. 7 is for sale ☹️ But it's OK, I've got another *smile*

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