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Premier Power Lotus 7 Club Speed Championship 2014 - Round 05 - Aintree


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looks like a good turnout again for Aintree,


Class 1

610 Becky Boston

503 Andrew McKay

505 Clive Marsden

508 Steve Causey

509 Gary Beezer

510 Paul Boston

511 Steffan Eldred

512 Robert jacobs


Class 2

525 Mike Cocker

526 John Bransfield

527 Roger Legg

528 Chris Bramall

530 Alan Bowler

531 Robert Spencer

532 Paul Collins

533 Andrew Willoughby

534 Graham Howard


Class 3

545 Philip Matchwick

547 James Thornton

550 Andy Taylor

551 Oliver Wright

552 David Horne

555 Matthew Jenkins

557 Richard Price


Class 4

558 Phil Cook

568 Martin Sargent

lynn Gilbert (hiding in Class 2B)

Nigel Fox (Also hiding in class 2B)


Class 5

679 Gill Elwell

575 Graham Denholm

576 Simon Harrison-Moore

579 Shaun Elwell



Edited by - Comp.scorer on 17 Jun 2014 12:12:48


Edited by - comp.scorer on 17 Jun 2014 17:31:48

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Just to explain..I am competing in both the Longton and the Chester/Liverpool speed champs. Their regs require you to be entered in the same class at an event as you are in their championship. Luckily the Lotus Seven club is more enlightened and Mr Bramhall is able to find my times from wherever I am.
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Aintree have a bit of history for wanting to give value for money, so providing everything goes to plan there will be timed runs up to around 4pm from memory.


I think the last time we were there they were disappointed we stopped after 6 timed runs.

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  • Support Team

Aintree has always been very good value in terms of the number of runs we get, if not the number of corners we get to go round *smile*. I think the LDMC limit the number of runs to count to a maximum of four for the rest of the field, which means most of the other (non L7) competitors pack up after four runs leaving lots of time for some extra runs for those that want them.


I suggest we should declare the maximum number of runs to count to the L7C championship before we start; we have in the past had to decide where to draw the line when competitors may well have vested interests in extending or limiting the number of runs depending on their standing at the time.


I suggest we limit the number of competition runs to four, or the same number allowed/ announced by the LDMC for the event.





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  • Area Representative

Quoting rob spencer: 
I suggest we limit the number of competition runs to four, or the same number allowed/ announced by the LDMC for the event.






I agree. Four timed runs to count is plenty to cover for the odd mistake *thumbup* *smile*

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Yup, the year after when asked to set the limit , we thought 6 timed was a good balance between plenty of value , chances to improve and still being done fairly early.



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The MSA approved championship regs state: "all class runs offered at each round will count for Championship scoring". We cannot therefore arbitrarily decide to alter the regs for one event. If the organisers offer a run to everybody, it must count.


I will be there but am not competing so will, if If it turns out that we are the only ones running and if it is appropriate to do so, ask the organisers to stop after 6 runs. I think this should still give a reasonably early finish and will give the novices as much opportunity as possible to get up to speed. We can make the call on the day but we can't change the regs.

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I know that that is what it says in the regs Matthew but it has led to a few strange events, like the first time we went to Blyton - I know I had to leave before the timed runs were over, as it was such a long way home.

We have agreed on the day at previous events to limit the number of runs that count, presumably we could do this again if the organisers offer more than four? Obviously this could only happen if we were all in support of the proposal.

I personally think that 6 timed runs is far too many and would support asking the organisers to limit it to four, if we can not limit our own.


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On the other hand, others who also have a long way to travel want to get as much track time as possible to make all the traveling worthwhile. We have been criticised in the past for not having much track time. Providing we don't finish late I don't see a problem.


I'm not sure what "strange events" there were at Blyton as a result of having lots of runs last year. We didn't finish any later than you would normally expect from my recollection.


I think we will have to make a decision on the day based on how long it takes to get through the runs.

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others who also have a long way to travel want to get as much track time as possible to make all the traveling worthwhile.

This *arrowup*

I'm entered for the first time as I heard there are generally alot of runs, and its friendly and well organised. That and tracks without too many corners tend to suit me 😬. 6 sounds good to me.



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Looking back at last years facebook entries from Liverpool MC for there June sprint, 107 entries, 2 Practice & 6 Timed runs, all done and dusted by 4:15pm.



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This is the value for money North!

The event will finish by 4.30, some people will have to stay for the presentation anyway.

I have much more of a problem at Loton waiting for a second timed run at 6pm.

Incidentally, there's a Longton sprint at the fab 3 sisters track at Wigan on the Sunday. If we go to Aintree next year it would make a great weekend, have a look on YouTube, and you'd get at least six more runs and you wouldn't be worrying about getting away from Aintree.

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  • Support Team

Personally I will be happy to stick with the MSA regs with regard to the runs being offered provided the "runs offered" count for all entrants at the event.


In the past I believethe L7C has used more runs than were offered to count to the whole field ie we were allowed to continue with runs until we got bored *eek* and we allowed the "unofficial" runs to count to our championship. Its this bit I think detracts from the competition.


If the LMC decides it will use only say four timed runs to count, then a large proportion of the 100 or so non-L7 competitors will pack up and go home *wavey* after their fourth competition run. If L7C decides to allow further runs to count, the gap between runs is likely to be much reduced, tyres will generally be running warmer and grippier, times will reduce, and the first four competition runs (with cooler tyres due to the longer gap between runs allowing the tyres to cool fully) will effectively be an extra four practice runs. And that isn't good for a good competition.





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Intreasting points.


I like 3 timed runs. Its just anough to get it wrong and get out of jail. The we will keep going it we run out of time is a less focused day. Yes the tyres a hot but you can achevie this by getting a driving partner.


I would always like 2 practice and 3 time runs if it was posible.

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