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O/T Smart Roadster Wheel Bearing Play


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A colleague a work has Smart Roadster. It's just come back from a garage, apprently a Smart specialist, where it had new front brake pads and front dampers fitted. On braking hard there is a hard repetitive knocking noise from somewhere at the front, the kind of noise you might get from a damaged disk, very pronounced and extremely unhealthy sounding, but nothing at all under lighter braking and nothing to feel back through the pedal. I had quick look at it for him and the first thing that seemed obvious to me was play in the front wheel bearings. Even with the weight on the wheels, if you grasp the top of a front wheel and push and pull inwards and outwards you can feel a real clunk-clonk as the wheel appears to rock on its bearing. It is about the same both sides.


From my experience of Seven's and other cars - this amount of play cannot be normal, can it?

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Yes it could, and I did mention that possibility to him. To be honest I only had a quick look at it in an office car park and we didn't even have a jack or wheel brace so I could look I to it further, but something was obviously amiss. The movement was sufficient and easy enough to induce that I'm sure that up on a ramp the source will be obvious; putting a finger on the moving joint you will be able to feel it if not see it. I at least satisfied myself that it wasn't the wheels loose on the hubs before I let him drive it home! I've sent him a link to this thread and I'll tell him to take it back PDQ. I just didn't want to alarm him if it was a case of TADTS on a smart car. Thanks for your help.
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My daughter had some front suspension work carried out to her car a while back.


The cause of the indifferent steering was one fastener loose plus a nut missing off another! *eek*


Go to the obvious 1st & check all fasteners are tight & in place.

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