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Duratec R500 diagrams


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I'm looking for any Duratec R500 diagrams, wiring, cooling system, oil system or anything else relevant anyone has. I have no specific need for them, it would just be good to have them for reference and to understand my car a bit better.


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks Jonathan, but no thanks.


I should have said in the first post I have the owners hand book, a stack manual and a manual for the rev lights its more the diagram type stuff I'm looking for.



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This may be a stupid questions but I'm going to ask it anyway. In trying to know my car a bit better like what and where things are on the engine etc, I found on the underside of the starter motor there is a short tube about 25mm long what is this for and its purpose ?
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Good morning.


Please can you describe it a bit more or add a photo?




PS: That's not a stupid question and I mean that as pedantically as possible. It's ignorant and there's not much wrong with identified ignorance. Stupidity is completely different. And thanks for the opportunity to quote one of my heroes again:

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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A photo will not be easy due to the position but I will try to take one and add it later but for now,


On the passengers side of the engine, towards the back, there is the starter solenoid with the fat red cable to it. Directly next to this is the started motor which is bolted onto the engine. Out the bottom of it at the end not bolted to the engine is the tube black in colour and just hanging down not connecting to anything all this is directly above the oil filter.


Not sure what else to add, off now to try to take a photo of it.


It can be seen in this photohere



Edited by - simpy on 1 Jun 2014 09:18:02

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Quoting simpy: 
I'm looking for any Duratec R500 diagrams, wiring, cooling system, oil system or anything else relevant anyone has.
I've tried to get this, and failed... Even Derek Howlett (materials co-ordinator) at CC couldn't get me this info whilst I was mid build. I do have a plumbing guide for the dry sump that I can send you, but I was told there are no other documents available as the R500's are/were built 'from memory' in the factory and that is a quoted statement which I found very difficult to believe.


let me know if you do get hold of any further info / documentation, as I'd like as much info as I can get my hands on too! 😬


Edited by - Roadracer1977 on 1 Jun 2014 17:55:53

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Thanks Tim, They look like Duratec drawings as they match up with the car from what I can see at a quick glance and they were drawn in 2007/8 when the Duratec R500 was first released.
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