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Oil Pressure

Alex Birtwisle

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My oil pressure has always caused me concern.


Cold idle was 3 bar

Warm idle was 0.5 bar (or very much in the red after a long journey)


Was it the sender or the gauge that was giving missleading reading? Was it the engine about to fall apart?


From listening to the chatter in Techtalk it guessed it was more likely to be the sender rather than anything else.


I bought a new sender unit from Caterham and woo hooooo!! I have more oil pressure than I know what to do with! Warm idle (after 3 hours on the M6) is now 2 bar. I hope this is a more realistic figure!


Before fitting it I took the silicone sealant to it to make sure nothing moist and nasty got into the electrics.


A tale of joy in the festive season.

Alex B





1.8K Viper Blue and Black


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I have given up on mine....


For the moment, it sounds and goes like a million dollar mobile. I have decided that I will just drive like mad untill something drops dead and do a complete engine rebuild!



Can any body recommend me some good X-flow specialist in UK? ( I know a couple but any others? )


A ll standard, Classic 1.7 X-flow *cool*

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Alex B,

Congratulations it must feel a lot better knowing that you have decent oil pressure. I've got the same problem ( I hope) and was wondering about doing this. I presume it's a pretty straight forward job? How much are the sender units?




W89 TVV Grads Car Race No 79

Membership No 6582

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Guy Lowe,


My sender is from Red-line components and the instruments are standard Caterham units (0 - 8 bars).

A new high capacity oil pump from Roger king has been fitted a few days ago but does not help.


I am now thinking of removing the oil sump to check the oil pick up pipe. I think there might be an air leak.

Any idea where i should look? and how to check it? and fix it?



A ll standard, Classic 1.7 X-flow *cool*

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Guy Lowe,


Thanks but, I tried it already.

At fully warmed temperature, It showed around 1 bar at idle and when reved, pressure goes up to 3 bars then a second later dropping to steady 2 bars. *mad* *mad* *mad*




A ll standard, Classic 1.7 X-flow *cool*

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Monsieur Sin, when I rebuilt my old dunger crossflow engine a fellow at Oscelli, in Oxford, where all the machining was carried out, advised the use of gasket sealer around the oil pick up pipe at it's entry to the cylinder block, just to stop such air leaks, as air is easier to pump than oil, but offers no lubrication, as a last resort this maybe your problem, but check out all the easy bits first, Kind regards and a happy European New year to you, regards Nigel in Noo Zillund.
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Morning folks.


Quick question for anyone who knows...


I'm about to upgrade to an Apollo tank (onto a 1.6k): what (lower) oil pressure should I expect on a warm idle (presently get c. 2.0 bar, with a solid 4.0 bar at mid revs/mid throttle), given than Mav indicated that Alex's engine's pressure would drop with Apollo fitted?


Ta very much.






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Thanks, Nigel.

My car will under go such operation tomorrow in my garage.

Fingers crossed that I will find the pickup pipe loose. Because if itsn't it must mean that the Crankshaft/ bearings are worn.


A happy new year to you to from France.


A ll standard, Classic 1.7 X-flow *cool*


Edited by - yw sin on 31 Dec 2002 16:48:09

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