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K Series ignition with Weber DCOEs

Mikey UC

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I started a project a while ago replacing my Ford Crossflow with a Rover k series but still using the weber carburettors.

The old crossflow used a webcon 3d mapped ignition which I was told could be remapped for the k series.

After quite a lot of bovver the engine was installed, the carbs connected and the engine fired up and idled (although a bit lumpy) on the old crossflow map.


I then contacted Northampton motorsport to arrange for the ignition to be remapped and found out that my unit was one of the early units that cannot be remapped.


So – I was about to splash out on a new Omex unit, it will be about £450 but will have the advantage of using the rover crank sensor and not having to tow the car to Northampton to be remapped.


But just before I did I was just wondering if anyone had any other suggestions for a Rover ignition system running with weber carbs.

Many thanks


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Would it not be possible to run the standard Rover ignition and ecu, with a Rover engine loom?


I'm another Xflow to K Series convert, but I spliced the Rover engine loom into my original harness, and installed a Jenveys/Emerald setup.


I can't see why you couldn't run a Rover ignition setup, which I believe can be mapped/tweaked to optimise the ignition advance?

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Thanks Oily! There you are, either way (EU2/3) defo worth considering for ease of install, using Rover parts to look 'factory' and available anywhere, and you'll have an easy optional upgrade later to (tried and trusted) Jenveys/Emerald combo *thumbup*
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I hadn’t even thought of using a standard rover ignition, only problem I can think of is wiring it up to the Weber throttle position sensor, and then calibrating it

The engine I have is an EU2, so I am currently using the Weber coil pack, but I guess the EU3 engines have their own coil packs.

There is a K series ecu pack on ebay for £70 but I’m not sure if its EU2 or EU3





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I'm sure you'll be able to rig up the Rover tps to the Weber butterfly spindle using an adaptor from Trigger Wheels, or even Webcon themselves ?


If you don't want the expense of an Emerald right now, I'd run the Rover ecu, but definitely have your carbs set up on a rolling road *thumbup*


Give us an update when you get sorted!

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Thanks for the advice gents.

Would love to go for the Emerald but it’s a bit out of my price range.

Think I’ll stick with the Omex, as I know it will work with the webers and my existing wasted spark coil pack.

Hoping the thing will be on the road this summer. *thumbup*


Will keep you posted


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