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Are the class cup for keeping

david nelson

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I have just realised that the 3rd and 2nd place competitors got some very nifty cup but the winners of the class only go the silver cups. In previous years the class winners have also had a cup to keep. Do I take it that the club is now going to give silver cups to the winner each year? It seems silly to spend all this money on sliver wear when a small winners cup is all that's needed.


I am sure its not that the club is trying to save money let us look at page 8 of this months low flying


speed championship


sales £1,761

cost £1,393


club profit £368



Curborough speed championship event

income £6,529

cost £5,900


club profit £629



Total profit to club from the speed championship £997


Year on year the championship has added money to the clubs vast reserve of money.


What is happening to our club???

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Yes, it was a cost saving measure and a decision I made. The winners' trophies are to be handed back. I've not looked at the figures in Low Flying but from speaking to Nick Chan I know we were only very marginally profitable even before we bought the final trophies and got the winners' ones engraved (cost approx 200 pounds). We did not make the profits you reported and if we had I would have splashed out on more trophies. The result is we made a tiny profit rather than a loss. As I am new to the job I do not want to give anybody an opportunity to criticise us for costing the club money. I know we had made the club plenty of money in the past but it may come in handy to keep that powder dry for something more important.

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So the club for the second year have got the accounts wrong. Last year it showed a loss for the speed championship when it made a profit and this year a report of about 1k profit is infact just 200 pounds.


This is starting to look like the club is in a worse shape than I thought. Management get your stuff together.

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David, take this up properly with the mgmt team. you know how it works. You've been there and complained so bitterly about people doing exactly what you're doing now.


You know who to contact and how to contact them. Suggest you take some of your own advice and contact them through the proper channels.

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I am extremely disappointed that yet again you choose to post on Blatchat rather than contact Matthew and the Management Team with your concerns. *mad*


I am confident the accounts are correct and that some expenses are included under other headings such as admin plus we always allow for a contribution towards the ESV running costs.


Matthew has the figures so you should initially take this offline with him and if you really want a cup then I will organise a whip round for you.


Edited by - Mark Durrant on 12 Apr 2014 07:34:24

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I am not commenting here on the costs of running the Championship; but I do know that if I had won my class I would be disappointed not to have an enduring memento of the occasion. In the past this was a simple framed photo of the car with the results recorded below and stating the Class win. This was a very time consuming thing for the Comp Sec to do for 30 people and so I understand why it was dropped.

I would be willing to collate the inserts for the photo frames for the winners of Class 1 -7, the Ladies and Novices Championships and put them in frames if everyone felt that this was appropriate.

This would not be expensive, but would mean that winners were not left empty handed.


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I did the phones in a frame for two years and then it was passed on to someone else to do.


Thank you for your kind offer re the photo, I have this morning been looking at buying some trophies and getting them engraved, then sending them out to the winners.


I would be more than happy with a photo but happy also to put my hand in my pocket to make sure the right thing is done.



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