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Oil Levels in BEC Dry Sump ?

Violet Elizabeth

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Having lost a bit of oil due to the overpulling the clutch rod (fix - a coachbolt clutch stop, if only all problems could be solved as easily *smile*) have been wondering what the optimum level is.


The sump tank has a top baffle, which I think is probably a reasonable fill level as it is about 2/3rds of the tank. With hot(ish) oil and the engine running there is oil up to this level and it is a little frothy on top.


Never having looked into a working dry sump tank before...does this seem about right ?


Oil pressure seems good, 50psi when on the throttle, but disconcertingly low when idling - although I am assured this is normal for a bike engine !



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Don't know if there are any specific requirements for BEC's but the general idea with dry sump tanks is to have the oil level just below the top baffle so that the returning oil hits the baffle, spreads out, and de aerates
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Quoting ECR: 
Don't know if there are any specific requirements for BEC's but the general idea with dry sump tanks is to have the oil level just below the top baffle so that the returning oil hits the baffle, spreads out, and de aerates


Thanks. Yes, that is what is happening. Return feed spills onto the top baffle and is draining down the "hole".


Working as intended it seems *smile*

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On mine, I believe I was told to let the frothy oil reach the second baffle - not the top one.


Maybe that's why I've never known mine to breathe into the catch tank!


I'm probably talking pish with the following statement, but from memory, the top baffle is maybe two inches down the tank. The second baffle is about 2/3s from the base of the tank - and that's the one I aim to cover.


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I think the Westfield Megabird dry sump tank is much larger than the Caterham Blackbird one. The Caterham one takes about 4 litres. From memory the Westfield was 6 to 8 litres?



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  • 1 year later...

So.... I would appear to have overfilled the oil somehow.

Having recently had to empty the oil catch tank again, and then it getting half full with a couple of miles, I checked the DS tank and it was bubbling well above the top baffle. So much oil that the return was effectively "under water" rather than the oill flowing onto the top baffle and down. So I think I need to syphon out some oil.

At the same time, the engine has become pretty lumpy at low revs, and is occasionally stalling. Whereas previously it was very smooth even at low rpm. Could this be caused by too much oil ? 

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Could be, have you got a pipe breathing back into the airbox?  I have overfilled mine before on a trackday and drained it out and had 6 litres when really 4- 4.5 litres is enough.  I usually change mine regularly and put in 4 litres and it is fine without ever needing to top up.  Have not found a fool proof, reliable way to check the oil level using the tank levels.


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