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Deja vu


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You're a bad boy Hoopy... you got me going on the Blue Light thread upstairs. I answered, then suddenly realised that we were effectively highjacking ... so i backed off.


I find it such a shame that I used to respond intuitively to postings on ChitChat. Nowadays, I'm scared of my own shadow and no longer make quips or deliberately tongue-in-cheek statements in case they're misconstrued. A thread has a natural life before it's bound to wander off-topic but now i feel like I'm in the dock ☹️


Anyway, In answer to:

So does that boil down to

"it would be nice if it was all common sense, but instead we have many silly rules. These 'should be obeyed' in the lower limit cases as the consequences of a mistake could be VERY nasty and its much harder to spot all potential hazards"


Unfortunately, as the number of car users increases, the standard of driving has generally decreased. The need to think "what if" becomes more critical. Your 3a.m. example is a case in hand. The possibility of meeting a stray 5 year-old is highly unlikely, but you might meet its' cat out on a nightly prowl. Houses, lamp posts etc will be in close proximity to the road. If you're doing 60, meet the cat, swerve etc, ..........you know the rest. However, we could meet up with a fox or badger on an open country road - therefore you should drive in the dark according to what you can see from the throw of your headlights. If you are on full beam at 60ish and another car comes towards you, you really should slow down to the range of your vision. That's a lot less than 60. The following drivers won't understand why you've reduced speed because they're driving using you as the advance guard and beacon. You might well get overtaken, but then they can be the ones to have a conversation with Reynard or Mr Brock instead and if you're following at the right distance, you'll be able to avoid hitting them *eek*


Right, that's it. I want the papers in by tomorrow morning with no smudges or rubbings-out *tongue* *wink*

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the topic had dies and got onto legality of foglights - thats someway off the initial subject. I might go and encourage more people to breathe new life into topics by asking somthing...


Your reply is pretty much what I think. I don't think 60 in a villlage is ever going to work (ok they'll be an exception i expect) but, for example, the wider parts of london where its well lit and multilane are still a 30 limit, the general traffic flow at night does 45 or from about 9pm onwards. This seems and feels OK. Obviously near hazards its not, and it then gets scary as others try to continue at 45+...


The oncoming traffic and full beam thing usually has me lifting, but i doubt i ever brake.

Hmmm... am I coasting (as I don't want to do anything as I can't see) or am I slowing down to the speed I can see.


I think the former.... ☹️




HOOPY 500 kg R706KGU

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Me thinks you need a detention inder the supervision of Mr FH. Following the detention you will be able to 'make progress' and will fully understand the a 'hatched' or 'dotted' line around a ghost island means that you can take the opportunity to make progress if the path ahead is clear of on coming obsticles. *tongue* *tongue* 😬 😬 *eek* *eek* *thumbup* *thumbup* *tongue* *tongue*
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Mav, 😬


I doubt if you'd be coasting Hoopy - just decelerating *tongue* Coasting is carrying on moving after disengaging the clutch with no intention of engaging another gear. You know the sort of thing; e.g. deliberately knocking the gear lever into neutral and 'coasting' a couple of hundred yards to say, the traffic lights. Deceleration sense is just as important a part of 'speed sense' as acceleration sense - but most of us have no trouble accelerating efficiently *wink*


Going with the flow used to be accepted by the police in the days when keeping the traffic moving was their main objective. This responsibility has now been taken on by inanimate objects with pretty flashing lights inside. These brainless beings have no discriminatory powers, can't differentiate between free-flowing and unacceptably high-speed traffic for the conditions. That's why people get so heated when they get 'restrained' on the M25. The gantry signs were supposed to come on automatically when sensors indicated a certain density of traffic. Now, strangely, they seem to stay on far longer than necessary and on many occasions when the traffic has dissipated - public perception of the speed at which they could be travelling quite safely differs from the speed limit indicated on the gantry and we all know the results of ignoring Gertie Gantry don't we?


FH ☹️

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ah yes, by coasting I meant "sort of ambling along while it slows down a bit" ie waiting for the car to pass before really being awake again...


The late night traffic is often such low density that there isn't a flow as such, but there is suffficient to see what peoplea re doing. It is a good example of though of a blanket speed limit being needed as most of the other vehicles don't slow back down when there are hazards about ☹️


HOOPY 500 kg R706KGU

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during my drive down yesterday I saw the usual array of poor driving on the motorway.

I have now developed a near pathological hatred for people who refuse to use the left hand lane. *mad*

No doubt my drive back up today will also be full of idiots trying to kill me.

At least the Focus is big enough to be spotted by most drivers.

I have had several scares in the 21 where people have just pulled across, obviously without seeing me.


rant, rant, rant


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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