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Carbon Front Wings


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Ah Joachim - sorry to see emotion getting the better of you.


Anyway from what you write I guess I can't mention this company then - even though it probably holds the wings and aeroscreen on your car 😬 😬




Fat Arn

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Edited by - fat arnie on 1 Dec 2002 19:22:22

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Well, I take the initial jibe and the idiotic, immature defence as offensive. As I'm sure others will who are just browsing through the Lotus Seven Club of Great Britain forums.


Reflects well on the Lotus Seven Club of Great Britain doesn't it?



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Come on AVES, you´re taking it slightly too far. Today´s world faces different problems than 60 years ago. And that are not only Saddams, Bin Ladens & cycle-wings. I experienced more than once that you brits are not the bad bunch of guys everyone else sais on the mainland.


We´re all the same, PEACE, you´re pissing in a vertical line, too.... *eek*


Marius *smile*

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I am very sorry, for my bad english.


I am sure that somebody speaks german. Maybe he can translate this. (Marisus? Kaytee? Icon?)


Hallo Seven Freunde in aller Welt,


mein englisch ist zu schlecht um folgendes Statement sinngemäß zu schreiben.


Arnie bot vor längerer Zeit sehr teuere hintere Carbon Kotflügel an. Da ich der Meinung war, daß Arnies Preis viel zu hoch ist, machte ich hier darauf aufmerksam, daß wir in Deutschland auch sehr gute Carbon Kotflügel anbieten, die aber wesentlich günstiger sind. Ich bzw. MOG Racing sind in keiner Weise darauf angewiesen, diese Teile im großen Stil zu verkaufen. Wir produzieren lediglich in unserer Freizeit gute Carbonteile um einigen Freunden gute und günstige Carbonteile zur Verfügung zu stellen. Es ist doch selbstverständlich, daß da etwas Geld verdient wird.

Ich habe auch kein Interesse Caterhams oder Arnies Teile schlecht zu machen. Unsere Teile sind einfach anderes.


Arnie hat offensichtlich ein Problem damit, daß ich dies hier veröffentlicht habe. Unter dem Vorschein, daß er ohne Profit arbeitet wirft er mir die Absicht der Gewinnerzielung vor. Das ist im Blatchat anscheinend verboten.


Seit dieser Zeit weiß Arnie nichts Besseres als bei jeder Gelegenheit und ohne Grund unsere Arbeit schlecht zu machen. In all seinen Äußerungen bringt er das Thema Deutschland - England ins Spiel. Ich provozierte daraufhin Arnie, nicht wegen seiner Nationalität, sondern weil man Arnies Auto niemals bei richtigen Rennen antrifft.


Das letzte was ich möchte ist, daß der Eindruck entsteht, ich wolle eine Diskussion England-Deutschland fortführen. Ich habe wirklich viele gute Freunde in England. Deshalb finde ich Arnies Verhalten einfach sehr peinlich, besonders weil er den Namen Adolf benutzt, den jeder in Verbindung mit Adolf H. bringt. Ich persönlich kenne keinen einzigen Menschen in meinem gesamten Umfeld, der die Greueltaten Adolf H. in irgendeiner Form gut heißt.


Ich gebe Gina Wild recht. Arnie soll mit seinen dummen und einfallslosen Provokationen aufhören und besser seine Fähigkeiten als Fahrer verbessern.

Ich persönlich habe die Freundschaft mit vielen englischen Rennfahrer Kollegen und Teams dazu genutzt um mein Fahrzeug besser verstehen zu lernen und meinen Fahrstil zu verbessern. Dabei hatten wir immer sehr viel Spaß


Ein kleines Beispiel: Seit Jahren haben die Gebrüder Parker vom Team Parker Racing und ich einen sehr freundschaftlichen Kontakt. Natürlich witzelten die Parkers, als England Deutschland im Fußball 5:1 besiegte. Das ist doch ganz normal. Um so größer war mein Vergnügen, sie in diesem Jahr darauf hinzuweisen, daß Deutschland Vizeweltmeister wurde. Übrigens ein Platz vor der Türkei. Auch mit dem türkischen Team Apeks Motorsport pflege ich ein gute Freundschaft.


Ich an Arnies Stelle hätte keine so große Klappe. Vielleicht sollten wir mal alle etwas Geld sammeln um Arnie eine Lizenz und das Startgeld für den Eurocup in Spa zu bezahlen. Was hätten wir für einen Spaß, wenn K2Rum von Standard R 400, John Schneiders und Chris Porrits K 1600, Doug Newmans Blackbird und meinem lausigen MOG 02 mal richtig in den Arsch getreten wird?


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Below you can find a translation of Joachims posting. Those who can read German will understand that in certain cases I needed to choose between a exact translation or a change over to words more commonly used in English. Translating text like this is not easy when one wants to keep the level of expression originally written in it. If someone wants to change it into "proper English", without spelling mistakes, then feel free to do so.


Your crap German-English translator of the day (and now I have to get some bloody work done)







Hi Seven'ers all over the world,


My English is too bad to write the following statement properly down.


A While ago Arnie put some expensive carbon rear wings for sale. As my opinion was that their price was too high I made note of the fact that we, in Germany, also sell good carbon wings being lower in price. I, or MOG Racing, have no need to sell large quantities of these parts. We produce them in our leisure time to allow friends access to good and cheap carbon bits. Understandably some money is earned by doing so. I have no interest to talk bad about Caterhams or Arnies products ... ours are just different.


Arnie seems to have a problem with the fact that I brought this into the open. Pretending to work himself without any profit he accuses me of "commercial selling". Something that seems to be forbidden in Blatchat.


Since that moment Arnie doesn't seem to know anything better then to use, without reason, every opportunity to make our work look bad. In all his talks he brings up the theme Germany - England. I provoked Arnie because of this, not because of his nationality, but because you never see Arnies car in any real races.


The last thing I want to do, as some might have this impression, is start a discussion England-Germany ... I have got several real good friends in England. Because of this I find Arnie's conduct painful, especially because he uses the name Adolf, one that everyone connects to Adolf H. I personally do not know of one single person in my contacts who approves, in any form, of the horror Adolf H. did.


I agree with Gina Wild. Arnie should stop with his low level provocations an should better spend that time improving his driving skills. I personally was able, via my friendship with several English drivers and raceteams, to improve on my driving style and learn how to better understand the car. While doing so we always had loads of fun.


One example: Since years the Parker brothers (from Team Parker Racing) and I are in touch with one another as friends. Ofcourse did they love it when England won from Germany 5:1 in football, this is completely normal. As was my even bigger joy to let them know the following year that Germany was Vice-worldchampion. Sideline ... one place in front of Turkey and also with the Turkish Team Apeks Motorsport I'm great friends.


In Arnies place I would lower my tone in everything I say. Maybe we should all collect some money to pay him a licence and grid money for the Eurocup in SPA. The fun we all would have when K2Rum get a kick in the but, by a standard R400, John Schneiders and Chris Porrits K1600, Doug Newmans Blackbird and my crap MOG 02.


Edited by - stijn luyck on 3 Dec 2002 08:19:38

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Joachim please understand that the vast majority of us on this site do NOT agree with the petty jibes that are being directed at yourself and your Country.



Just a thought but where does one hire an Autoclave(sp) for this process? I shall have to ask my mate at MClaren how many there are in the Woking area 😳






Edited by - MikeE on 4 Dec 2002 19:31:37

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For anyone wanting an autoclave around the size required for front wings, keep an eye on www.ramco.co.uk They sell govt surplus via tender sales approx every six weeks, and autoclaves have cropped up.

Lets keep it civil chaps, after all, we are all here due to our common love of a sportscar, and nothing more serious than that, regards to all, Ed

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Whaddya mean, Ed ?

I'm sittin' here, already polishing my trusty old K98, and you're talking PEACE ?? *eek*


Come on, pack your Enfields, and we'll meet in ... eeh ... how about France ? *thumbup*


I find this nationalistic bickering somewhat tiring, really. Half your Royal Family is German, after all *cool* *eek* 😬


(Hell, I don't even have *any* carbon bits .. oh, not true, I've got V7s butchered rear fender guards *mad* )


Cheers ! - Karsten

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