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Is anyone else still at school? I have to confess to spying on the bikeshed conversations without making a sound recently 😳


Why are mondays so bad?

Time spent at work today = Lots

Things acheived = Nowt

Money spent on 7 = Nowt (could be good, could be bad)

Time spent in 7 = None


Also still suffering coz I had a hungover blat back to Bath from Richmond yesterday in the "slightly wet" conditions - hitting standing water at speed is very scary *eek*


OK, enough moaning.


Everyone had a good day at school 🤔


Ewen Malloch

P979TMV - Yellow 1.6 K Series

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Hello Ewen,

We saw you lurking and wondered when you'd come in *wink*


I did lots of wet weather simulation on the skid pedal car at Millbrook last week-end with Mr FH and got back into 'how to handle aquaplaning - a girlie's survival guide' - it was great fun doing donuts and powerslides when his back was turned 😳


Hope your head's now better. *eek* It's past the yardarm, so I'm off for a wee glass of bordeaux' finest *tongue*


FH *cool*

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Skid pan at Millbrook sounds fun 😬

Was chatting to a test driver for Honda at the weekend and now trying to sort out a trip to MIRA on one of his test days - he's never driven a 7 so is trying to get a chance!

Head is better, legs going to hurt soon as I've got to go to running club. No pre-training beers for me tonight


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hmm wouldn't bother with the running thing if I was you.

After ten years of serious cross country (school and uni teams) I found myself at the age of 26 (a few years ago *eek*) with knackered knees, and my hips aren't too good either *mad*


did a few half marathons but the full 26 miles always required too much training for my liking.


have now retired ungracefully and am a committed bar stool sportsman 😬


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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Aw, Noger

You let out the secret 😳

All those who wear the mantle of whippersnapperdom thought they were in a real school bikeshed *tongue*

Little did they realise that we more mature lurkers had lured them into the ostensible santuary of our conclave whilst we considered our nefandous mendacity *eek*


Now I shall have to go and play marbles or something equally inane and admit that I have a real engine in my little red pedal car ...............that is however, still inoperative ☹️ ☹️



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A woodbine is a honeysuckle, i.e. a type of creeper

Also terminology used by our Antipodean cousins to describe an English soldier


I have no chance of falling out of my little red car - I wear it like a glove *eek*


FH *cool*

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FH, personally I prefer Tacitus' Annals of Imperial Rome to Ceasar's effort


was sat by the pool a year or two back in Oz reading Gallic Wars when approached by one of the locals who queried what I was reading.

Upon telling him I got the reply

any good mate?

what can you say to that 🤔 *eek*


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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"I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,

Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,

Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine"


And is of course the schoolchilds ciggie of choice *smile*...that and roll-ups.


"The gauls - gali - subject - go on molesworth oppugnant - what does oppugnant mean - they are attacking fossas. Ditches. What did you say molesworth ? Why on earth attack a ditch ? Keep you mind on the sentence. The gauls are attacking the ditches. What ? I AM QUITE UNABLE TO INFORM YOU MOLESWORTH FOR WHAT PUROPSE THE GAULS WISHED TO ATTACK THE DITCHES."


It IS a real bike shed - so I refute the honourable ladies assertion that I have blow our cover. Humph. *tongue*

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so now people are quoting poetry *eek*

and to think I was worried I was going to get labelled as a girlie swot for talking about Tacitus *tongue*


mind you I think the Molesworth reference probably just about redeems the situation *wink*


Of course it's a real bikeshed.

Complete with graffiti, fag ends and a rather dubious smell in one corner


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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Running is about the only thing I take seriously - been racing since I was 11 (26 now) and no major injuries as yet. Keep getting distraced by the true bikeshed activity of drinking though 😬


Marathons are far too far anyway - track running and 😳cross country 😳 are much more manageable. *thumbup*

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marathons are less muddy *thumbup* *smile*


I think i upset my achilles though. It hurt a bit but I thought it was muscle stiffness like the rest of my legs (After a 10 mile run). But it carried on hurting and took a month to stop hurting. Ran a few miles and it was a bit stiff that evening. The next morning it went very stiff and creaky once I'd got to work but eased during the day. Today it seems almost perfectly normal (very slightly sore when climbing stairs)


And its for "CHA-RI-DEE" 😬 *thumbup*


HOOPY 500 kg R706KGU

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The driving reason behind taking up cross country was that it meant games lessons were over a lot quicker

30 mins of running versus 75 minutes of getting kicked around a footy/rugby pitch by bigger boys wasn't too tricky a decision to make *smile*

Plus it overcame the fact that I have zero coordination that kind of hampers playing games with balls 😳 *eek*


hoopy, you are obviously a kind, caring and wonderful human being who loves his fellow man. Verily you will be rewarded in the next life.

In this life you will continue to be subjected to abuse, disdain and a selection of painful leg injuries 😬


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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With you on that one Dave 😬

I was always getting flattened in Rugby games and the other options were Running or Rowing (It seems my school only did sports beginning with R ) and running was quickest and warmest of the 3.


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I always preferred rugby, twas much easier to lumber around a pitch for a couple of hours knocking people over than running round the ploughed field next door.


Never had much coordination with the ball, I just had the ability to stay upright when other people ran into me..

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