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QED THermostat

Wil Akroyd

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Does the same thing as the PRRT for a few quid more. Grubbster on here has had both on his car, not sure which one was better! (His old PRRT works great on my car 😬)


Advantages are... Less chance of an airlock, easier refilling, MUCH easier stat replacement, better temperature control of engine and faster warmup with less chance of thermal shock.


Disadvantages are... Price *eek*, hassle of fitting, possibility you get something wrong when it was fine to start with, etc...


If your car works fine, as many peoples' do, then don't touch it. I installed a PRRT because I couldn't solve an airlock, the stat was stuck, and I got too good a deal on the stuff I needed (the whole conversion cost less than a dinner for two at McDonalds 😬). Went silicon at the same time, ooh er *cool*

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I had the PRRT, then the chap that looks after my car (or more specifically the engine) said he'd go for the QED solution instead with my high powered K so I let him get on and swap it. I don't have any problems with the engine, but it is quite different from a standard K so whether it's needed on a standard engine is questionable. If you want some pics I can take some tomorrow for you.
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The engine isn't a highly tuned one, just a DVA'd 1.6k turning out 155bhp.

The problem I have been having is the car running too cool! The engine has never had a thermostat in and has always run perfectly, then suddenly started running at 40 degrees even on a scorcher! It will heat up to the fan coming on whilst stood and remain at 80. Then any movement and all temp is lost.


I tried a thermostat which seemed to work, but an hour before I was due to visit the ring it started overheating. The only thing to do was quickly drill out the thermostat and jump on the ferry. I have replaced all the hoses with silicone and added a t piece at the heater end. The O rings for the heater matrix are going to be replaced to make sure they're not leaking, as luck would have it I managed to put a hole in the radiator, so will be fitting a new one of those this weekend.

I am now thinking that the "jiggle valve" maybe blocked up, so going to try clean that up.

Has anyone any experience of this? Perhaps causing airlock?

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