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How do you stop a cat dumping in your garden.even in the grass etc


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Quoting zetec: 
I might need the help of CBB !


Damn cat ( its mine) but ruins my garden *mad*


NO ...... I didnt mean finely dice the cat and simmer for 90 mins with 2 teaspoons of curry.


Just sprinkle powder on the affected ground!



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Hey Craig,

I though the thing to do was to go around your garden having a jimmy riddle on the areas where the cat has left presents (this is best done after dark, to stop the neighbours whispering). Apparently this means you have claimed the territory as yours - or is that an urban myth?




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Quoting tbird: 
Quoting myothercarsa2cv: 
Has anyone ever tried shock therapy on a cat?


cat shock






My favourite cat pic is this:


Dressing it up would probably drive it away because of the shame... *idea*

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