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Caught in thuderstorm on the motorway - windscreen wipers give up...

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So, I was trundelling along on the M3 just now on my way back from work (other car in the garage) when the heavens opened. Thankfully I had the hood on as the sky and forecast looked ominous - windscreen wipers on, going a bit slow, shout at the wipers to go faster as a truck passes me and I'm drowned when all of a sudden they stop... *eek*


I just about get home without killing myself. I try the universal approach of fixing things - wiggle the fuse, wiggle the switch connection. And alas, the wipers come back to life. The worry now though is that it might happen again as the switch didn't look loose nor is the fuse busted.


Has anyone had intermittent problems with their wipers before and anything I can do to check they won't give up on me again at another crucial moment? *confused*


Not sure if its normal (I'm still new to caterham ownership) but the wiper motor is quite noisy when it runs?


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Rain X is your friend..only problem is if you take the hood off and get caught in a shower it decreases the speed at which you need to go to get the water to flow over the top of the windscreen :-)


Great stuff though...you can easily drive in a deluge with no windscreen wipers

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On Thursday I was caught in a thunderstorm (with hailstones) on the way back from Bristol to North Herts... with Aeros.


So, no problem with wipers, but it bloody hurt!


However, I was on the A338 to Wantage, which is a lovely road, but limited to 50... and the bad weather forced me to be making progress at 'slower' than normal speeds, which was just as well as on the county border a Le Flicks speed trap van was parked and in action...





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I haven't got an answer to your problem but I had a similar problem on my first Caterham, a Classic SE when it was only months old. The wipers just stopped working but I wasn't far from home. The next day I tried them again and they worked and I never had the problem again so, in the first instance just monitor them, maybe use some rainex for good measure and see how they go.
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Joy... I thought the old trick of wiggle, take off, put back on, turn off/on, had fixed it, but clearly not - wipers stopped again on the motorway this morning *mad*


But I've now figured out the characteristics of the failure:

- only happens when wipers are on fastest wiper setting (I had them on intermittent then slow/full wipe, and was fine)

- after switching onto fastest wiper setting, they slow down a bit then stop after about 2 mins

- its not the fuse as its a joint fuse for wipers and washer, and washer still works

- if you turn off the engine and restart, the wipers come back to life again immediately (with no fiddling)


So, I get the impression that it must be something like the wiper motors overheating and shutting down or something similar, but can't think what the issue might be. Or is there a wiper relay that might be playing up? Hmmm... any thoughts greatly appreciated?


Yes I agree, don't use the fastest setting if thats causing a problem, but would be good to fix the root cause of the issue.


PS Before I get complaints... *nono* yes I had my hood up and yes I was on the motorway, but in my defence my 'normal' car is in the garage (whilst I get fleeced to get it past the MOT) and my direct route to work is down the M3 and the other options involve going through a number of cr*ppy towns and getting stuck in traffic. So, especially in the hideous weather I opted for lid on, onto the motorway - sacriligious I know!

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Not sure I explained that very well - before the wipers cut out, they work fine on any setting and fine to switch between them (fast-slow/slow-fast). But as soon as they stop working (whilst in fast wipe) I can't get them to work at all (the wiper switch does nothing, slow or fast).


But as soon as I restart the car and the wipers work fine again in any setting (until they cut out again).


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Could this be a problem with the intermittent wiper box? I haven't looked up it's wiring but I have read enough posts of people have problems with this. If if cuts out and then on restarting straight away it works it suggests it isn't the motor over heating.
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Hmmm... yes, just looked through a few threads and looks like the intermittent box is intermittently faulty - it would make sense that its some sort of relay/electrical switch fault as it repairs itself immediately when restarted.


I'll continue to monitor it and remember not to use the fast wiper for any prolonged period (or wire out the intermittent wiper). I'll take it all apart and have a look when I've got a sec.


Cheers *wink*


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