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so am going to have a play *confused*


Has the test area become a refuge for the unfunny tossers amongst us? If it has I'll be coming here more often 😬


let's see where thisone takes us shall we... here yey it worked.


gonna try another... here bugger it didn't *thumbdown*


and again here


will someone try this one please and tell me where it takes them? here






Edited by - jaseb on 22 Nov 2002 09:04:51

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Well heeeellooooo (said in his best impression of Terry Thomas 😬)


I'm fine but like the thread says having trouble with me url's and getting my pictures on yahoo available to all.


Other than that everything is tops, although Jane's taken up karate again so I have bruises where she's been kicking and punching me in the name of practise *confused*


On another note I bought myself an "unfunny tosser" hat from one of these internet shops where they print what you want - got some funny looks at the sossiges thing and accompanied by a few wry smiles *thumbup*


must get on and get this picture thing sorted, some friends of Janes have some wicked old pics of their 7 in the 70's that I feel the need to share 😬






ps are you and Rach coming to the 7 stars for the xmas food fight?

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Well it could be a bonus as instead of worrying about xmas pressies she's getting a punchbag to take it out on 😬 one that doesn't bruise *thumbup* and I'm getting myself a big stick to defend myself!


I think I saw one of them disco's like the one that you drive doing survey work round our way the other week, had a dirty great big bumper type thing going on and a couple of poles sticking up out of each end and a flashing light on top - made me smile as it must be quite a change from the 7 😬

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She was having that much fun, I got her to drop me back in the paddock before continuing 😳


We got sooooooo wet but defo couldn't beat the smiles of sliding around an empty trackin the wet *thumbup*


So then Rach me ol' fruit, [bullyin tactics] you comin to the 7 stars or what [/bullyin tactics]

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Don't try and bully me, I will set my brother on you 😬


I don't know, obviously I will need to talk to Mr B who is strangely silent at the moment, I think he is in a lesson *eek*


At the moment that week, I am out Friday lunchtime for my work Christmas meal, Friday evening for the Cam7 meal, Saturday to see Marillion in London and nothing planned for Sunday, so assuming that I have room for more Turkey then we might just make it! *cool*


We'll let you know soon...we might pop over even if we don't actually eat - it would be good to see you again before Christmas.




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"Miss, I don't think these things should be left lying around in the bikesheds 😳 Someone might hurt themselves" *eek*


Rach, Alex..... attendence at Se7en Stars is mandatory. Cancellation of all previous plans is essential if you wish to remain members of the BST (BikeShedTeam) *wink* *wink* *wink*


FH *cool*

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Blimey Hoops, I thought you were the font of 'most' knowledge *confused*

The Se7en Stars is a PH (of should that be a PF) *wink* just on the outskirts of Gawcott,, which is in turn, due south of Buckingham and as Rach says, it's a watering hole for the people of Buckinghamshire etc to meet up once a month. Miraz and Mrs Miraz were there last time - as were we in the tonka with the GR's who behaved extremely well *thumbup*


Another one to notch up on the bedstead 🤔


FH *cool*

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It's an unofficial sunday lunchtime meet for the bucks boys (and girls!) that tendsto occur on the second sunday of the month. If I recallthere was 12 cars at the last one and we filled the upstairs function room completely for lunch - very enjoyable it was too, to be recommended.


If you need a map, I'll try and sort one.


or read here for a postcode to put into streetmap.com or whatever it's called *thumbup*

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I appear to have broken the yahoo picture showing place ☹️


Can't even look at my own pictures...sniff


If it ever works again, have a look at Penny dozing in the blue 7, unfortunately she wasn't dribbling at the time but woke up with one on the deadest legs know to (wo)mankind and was hobbling about for ages - tee hee 😬

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Jase ... That was either TRL or Babtie-May out with their Disco with a "Rut-bar" on the front. It uses either ultrasonics or lasers to measure the severity of the ruts in the road surface.


The info is then passed to "who ever wants it" then is normally ignored for a few years!!! *eek*



1.8K Viper Blue

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