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Battery problems – made an assumption, didn’t think. What do I do now?

Caterham Kid

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I have just bumped in to bluenose (Nick) in the office and he slapped my wrist for being such and idiot! *rolleyes*


I did say I felt a bit of a prat but he admitted it could happen to anyone.


Oh well, it will teach me to take more time and be more observant next time.... I hope!




Edited by - Caterham Kid on 11 Apr 2013 09:58:04

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Being red/black colour blind must be a pain in the 🙆🏻 *tongue*


Don't worry, we've all done stupid things ( *redface*), at least it seems you've only fried a battery *thumbup*


I'd still give the seller a shout. They might at least be able to explain why it fried the battery. When I was in retail, we accepted returns for more stupidity than that... One chap had run his Oakleys over and squished the frames and cracked a lens. Since the lenses shouldn't crack, we took them back *wink*


In the meantime... I also struggled to get the leads to the battery when I swapped from Banner to this battery, same problem. Some careful clever re-routing sorted it though, snip the cable ties and see if you can shuffle them about a bit. I eventually bought a battery cage and laid it flat on the bulkhead where a heater would normally go. Much easier and the cables reach no problem.

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Being red/black colour blind must be a pain in the


*mad* Ok ok I feel enough of an idiot without it being rubbed in all the time *tongue* *wink*


I didnt even look at the terminals. Just dropped the new battery in and connected the cables back up. Bad assumption. You know what they say about assumption!


I'd still give the seller a shout. They might at least be able to explain why it fried the battery.


I will see if I can contact them and ask their opinion.


In the meantime... I also struggled to get the leads to the battery when I swapped from Banner to this battery, same problem. Some careful clever re-routing sorted it though, snip the cable ties and see if you can shuffle them about a bit. I eventually bought a battery cage and laid it flat on the bulkhead where a heater would normally go. Much easier and the cables reach no problem.


I have snipped some cable ties and rerouted so it reaches. It is not perfect. Have you got any pictures of your battery cage and bulkhead mod? That would be really useful.


I read a post here on BC recently where it was stated that the battery was a direct swap for the banner (apart from size). It would have been nice to know then about the terminal swap. It was another reason I didnt pay so much attention!





Edited by - Caterham Kid on 11 Apr 2013 11:40:07

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My banner battery lasted four years, seems average but I didn't have a conditioner for the first 18 months so hopefully this one will last longer.

I like the easy life so fitted a like for like replacement. A bit heavier & a little more expensive but an easy job. *thumbup*

I wouldn't like to live next door to this plonker conducting a "test" to see if a halfords battery would explode. *eek*


Edited by - Martin Jeffrey on 11 Apr 2013 14:09:10

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Caterham Kid, sorry for the ribbing, I couldn't resist *tongue* I've done much more stupid stuff so can't really talk...!

I've probably got a pic somewhere, I'll try to find one, but I've basically rotated the cables on their mounting points on the alternator / starter motor etc to give me an extra couple of mm, and kept them as far away from the exhaust as possible. Battery sits slightly left of centre, and I got the cage from OBP if I remember correctly (but the same as this)... The battery is almost exactly the same dimensions as a Red Top 25 (1mm in it), so you just need a cage for one of them.

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Dump it and save a few kilos *tongue*


Perhaps another option could be to screw such a cage to the end of the footwell? There could well be space and the weight would be lower down too? I found I couldn't lie it flat in the banner position and the block of wood solution just didn't do it for me *wink*

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If you have started the car the ECU and Immobiliser should be OK, also you would have probably notice the ignition light, if you had fried a diode the ignition light would have probably stayed on after engine started, so maybe you have been lucky, but yes still best to check for 13.8ish volts across battery when charging , The spark on disconect could have been current being drawn by ECU and Immobiliser protection ccts, fingers crossed for Lucky *thumbup*, if no damage obvious after checks might I suggest its a good week to buy a lottery ticket 😬 although still cannot think of a single reason that battery would be fubared, after all they are designed to dish out 300amp + for seconds *confused*



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Just started the car on the jump starter and the voltage across the terminals was 14.4/14.5 so I guess the alternator is alright!


So all I need now is a new battery. Oh... And to fit it the right way round!


I must have overlooked something.


Maybe I will buy that lottery ticket *biggrin*



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