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New Fuel Tank - Problems


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Hi Guys,

Advice appreciated, please refer to pictures here

Had to get a new tank, old one leaking where it rests on the supports.

Firstly I noticed the new one doesn't have the top-of-tank vent, so where do I put this end of the small hose from the filler neck?

Secondly, there is a small threaded neck from the corner of the tank; purpose? Do I need to blank this off in some way?

Thirdly, and most importantly, the new tanks two main necks are at least half an inch nearer the back edge than on the old one and they are taller, so I cannot get the rubber hoses to connect tank and neck.

Have CC sent the wrong tank, or am I going to have to resort to bodgery?



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Hi Jerry


Thanks for your e-mail. Now you have set me a challenge. I'm at the age where I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning and you're asking me about changing my tank in 2005!! 😳


Seriously, looking at your photo's I think the tank you have is a lot different to mine. I have a crossflow so there are no vents in my tank. The only openings on my tank are the filler neck and the hole for the fuel gauge on top and at the bottom front (left hand side) the exit for the fuel hose. The pump is on the engine. I believe the vents are only required for injected engines.


I'm glad you've been advised about the foam strips as I only had to change my tank because the vibrations had caused chafing and a subsequent leak.


Sorry I probably haven't been much help but depending on your model you may have got the wrong tank. Suggest you go back to CC.


Good luck


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Hi Jerry


Just had another look at your posting and the link to my original post in 2005. I do now remember the problem I had with getting the tank to sit correctly. In the end I did turn the clamp round and also used some very dense foam at the back of the tank to stop it moving back and that seemed to work OK. Same tank still in the car.



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Thanks Richard, that makes sense.


Ray, I've been playing with the tank position and if it sits forward on the supports the pipes are almost in the right position. I'm thinking of what to use to maintain that position against the pull of the clamp.


Also, tomorrow, Darren is going to ask the service dept what they do.

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I used some very high density foam that I got from a friend to wedge the tank at the back to stop it moving towards the back of the car. Unfortunately I don't know where he got it from. It was a bit like oasis, that stuff that's used for flower decoration but much denser and stronger.


I'll ask him if he knows where he got it.



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I have had a chat with the service chaps and as I thought the tank is correct and will just need to be mounted slightly tilted (which is not a problem). I would say the best way to do this is some foam strips behind it and then tighten her up. The reason is the fuel filler necks are now slightly different.


So, bodgery then.

Not ideal.

Would have got the old tank mended if I'd known this.

Hopefully this thread may help someone in the future.


Thanks everyone.


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  • 2 months later...

Thanks Dave, pity Darren didn't know this in March.

Left hand, right hand, comes to mind.

In the end I used some plywood to pack the tank forward so that it WASN'T tilted, and got a near perfect alignment of filler neck and tank.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jerry,


I read your post with interest. Looks like I have suffered a similar problem. See my recent post here


Does my story and photos look similar to your experience?


Not sure if I will need a new tank yet but could be on the cards.





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Hi David,

It's possibly the same, but it looks more like you may have seepage from the pump gasket.

Mine didn't have the 'tide mark' yours has.


Don't buy a new tank until you've lifted the old one of' its supports a bit to see the condition of its underside where it rests on them.


Edited by - Dartmoor7 on 19 Jul 2013 15:03:18

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  • 3 months later...
Kudos to everyone posting in this thread. Just fitted a new tank and was (reluctantly) contemplating the cost of a new filler neck and cap to suit, but if moving the tank forward/down is the way around this (maybe with the honeycomb right at the back too) then happy days *thumbup*
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