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Time for Caterham to make improvements to 7

Blakes 7

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Caterham are making a lot of noise about the Renault/Caterham joint project and other projects, I would like to see Caterham make a few improvements to the car that keeps the cash flowing in to fund new projects, the Seven.

My list of improvements includes:

* New lights that include day time running lights in LED integrated in the main unit.

*Rear wheel arches that can be replaced easly and fit without the crap plastic pipping

* Just one decent dash design

* A carbon or composit bonnet that does not dent if a pasing pederestian farts

* A parts website that accurately details what is in stock

Any more ideas ?

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In my opinion:


I agree running lights are a good idea. I've added some to mine £13 off ebay and a couple of relays.


The rear wheel arches are already easier to fit than on any normal car. They came already drilled on mine and it would be possible to reuse the plastic piping.


There isn't anything wrong with the standard dash, all the gauges are easily read- all I have added is a low oil pressure light which should be standard.


The bonnet is easily damaged, but all the vents let a lot of heat out on a hot day. The alloy panels and bonnet mark the Seven out as the decendant of the Lotus Seven- if you want composite there are a lot of kits out there with that style bonnet.


The website is crap- finding items can be a nightmare- definitely with you on this.


New Sevens should come with decent tyres as standard, a radiator that doesn't leak, a brake light switch that won't fail and a quiet diff that doesn't hit the De Dion tube...........





Edited by - DJ. on 3 Mar 2013 21:43:59

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Quoting Blakes 7: 
Caterham are making a lot of noise about the Renault/Caterham joint project and other projects, I would like to see Caterham make a few improvements to the car that keeps the cash flowing in to fund new projects, the Seven.

My list of improvements includes:

* New lights that include day time running lights in LED integrated in the main unit.

*Rear wheel arches that can be replaced easly and fit without the crap plastic pipping

* Just one decent dash design

* A carbon or composit bonnet that does not dent if a pasing pederestian farts

* A parts website that accurately details what is in stock

Any more ideas ?

Firstly remember that the Alpine Joint Venture is between Caterham Group (not Caterham Cars) and Renault. There may be influence and access but it certainly isn't inevitable.

I am not convinced that GRP or CF construction would improve the bonnet and isn't aluminium is more easily repaired than either of the others. (That said, I do have a crease in the bonnet on the Crossflow)


Yes, I would like some LED lighting, provided I can find the right place to install some. Knowing the propensity for owners to like/dislike different things, there are plenty of after-market options available.

I have said before that I was astonished that Caterham (before the group came into existence) did not choose some better quality, LED based rear lights when they designed the CSR. The caravan fittings at the rear are of very poor quality (and designed to be used the other way up).


Edited by - Golf Juliet Tango on 4 Mar 2013 09:52:45

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my development list ( constructive thoughts )


IRS rear on S3 - this would potentially be a great new car for current owners to upgrade to ..... meaning new sales for Caterham *thumbup*


In built prop UJ retainer in the tunnel.


Adjustable front wishbones using rod ends - even as an option.


Bespoke front uprights rather than the Triumph ones - Only so that I can have them anodoised *smile*


Lightweight rear calipers with integral handbrake.


Adjustable pedal box ( rather than the current ) with brake bias.


Aero body to drop onto the S3 chassis - big ask this one and could look pig ugly ?...







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Adjustable camber without removing the rod from the upright would be good. Locosts have this *eek* Arnie's rose joints go some way to make it easier, but it's still a faff in comparison.


You could have a similar setup for caster too, wouldn't be beyond the engineering department to figure it out.


Better powder coating, or nylon coating for the chassis.


I think the aluminium should stay. The fact it dents isn't really a problem; most other stuff cracks and dents make the car look even better. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway...


Just thought of another - agree on the easy to remove wing stays; also, a way to remove the front brakes without having to undo any pipes because of the stays would be good *thumbup*


Edited by - myothercarsa2cv on 4 Mar 2013 09:41:35

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Aero body to drop onto the S3 chassis


Agreed *thumbup* *thumbup*


Although it might be difficult to engineer properly (?) I reckon a decent shell body that fitted onto a S3 chassis as a semi-permanent fitting would be a massive seller for CC and a good additional revenue source.


Produced in a stylish design and at a sensible cost, I reckon it could be an attractive option for many seven owners.


I mentioned this to CC a couple of years ago (admittedly to only a couple of staff) and judging by their response they presumed I was on crack-cocaine *smokin* 😬 I put it down to their lack of vision and the fact they were over-excited about SP300, which is of course a far, far, better business idea 😔 😬 😬 😬


I'm surprised no 3rd party company has taken this up and made a 'body' for a 7. It could be an 'easy-win' for someone (??)

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I agree with this one (assuming you mean some sort of protection for one's legs should the prop let go):

In built prop UJ retainer in the tunnel.
And this one:
Better powder coating, or nylon coating for the chassis.
I'd also like to see much better paint quality in general, but what I'd really value above all else (and no doubt I'll get flamed as a heretic for it) is ABS.




Edited by - John Vine on 4 Mar 2013 16:10:26

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I have to admit that mine is far from original but i like Caterhams for what they are and that is they are different but good quality.

If you want IRS and a sleek body they are already on the market and caterham can't compet in no way with them like the MX5.

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The Sprite Alpine rear lights really have reached there sell by date.

Surely it must be possible to come up with a similar,neat, perhaps recessed unit using LED technology.

Some neat LED fog & reverse lamps are available as fitted to Stationary's car. *thumbup*


Edited by - Martin Jeffrey on 4 Mar 2013 21:27:57

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Quoting Martin Jeffrey: 
The Sprite Alpine rear lights really have reached there sell by date.

Surely it must be possible to come up with a similar,neat, perhaps recessed unit using LED technology.

Exactly, as they redesigned the front wings, it would have been easy to rework the rear wings to accomodate the (for example) 95mm diameter lights which SVC sell.

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Quoting Golf Juliet Tango: 
Quoting Martin Jeffrey: 
The Sprite Alpine rear lights really have reached there sell by date.

Surely it must be possible to come up with a similar,neat, perhaps recessed unit using LED technology.

Exactly, as they redesigned the front wings, it would have been easy to rework the rear wings to accomodate the (for example) 95mm diameter lights which SVC sell.

The Lotus Seven Twin Cam SS had frenched lights that used the existing Alpine lenses, as did the Series IV.


As for technology in this area, I've often thought that the rear of the car is somewhat untidy, and when the original Vauxhall race cars were developed with no rear lights I thought that they looked great. I would love to see arrays of LEDs behind tiny holes in the rear wings, with further LEDs at the edges (or fibre optics) to cover off the requirement for lights to be seen from the side, but I suspect that the lack of 'E' markings may be an issue.

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