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Fire Extinguisher location


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I'm probably going to replace my handheld with a plumbed-in extinguisher and having read back through the archives noted that people have generally mounted them in the boot or on passenger floor. Neither of these are particularly useful as SWMBO is a regular passenger and we use the boot space for touring and wouldn't want something obstructing the handle.


I've seen a few people mention in front of the bulkhead on the shelf where the heater used to be. I can't see anything in the MSA regs that says you can't have it there but would like to know if this is acceptable or just a bad idea.


Your comments please.......

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Although scrutineers like to see it, it can go anywhere.


However, Lifeline do a dumpy 2.25litre which can bolt to floor nicely side ways tight up against floor cross member which is directly in front of seat so when wife is sitting down it would be directly underneath her knees it shouldn't be an issue *smokin*


Edited by - Pendennis on 28 Feb 2013 16:03:00

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How weird. I was only just recently waxing lyrical with a friend about the fire extinguisher I have currently have in my ex-racer, which I think is exactly what Ian describes. It's an old Lifeline Zero 2000 dumpy plumbed-in job fitted across the floor under the knees of the passenger. I can't comment on motorsport legality as I don't (and won't) compete, which is why I'm thinking of ditching it.
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Pendennis, thanks for the advice, sadly the dumpy seems to be twice the price of the normal 2.25l one ☹️


Rob, if I'm not sorted by Curbs perhaps you could bring it along....


David, having it as removable seems like a good compromise but, and this probably sounds funny, I've always had some form of extinguisher in my 7 for the last 10 years and I guess I'd feel uncomfortable about removing a safety device just because I'm not sprinting.... IYSWIM

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the only problem that we've found with the floor mounted extinguisher is, no matter how carefully the passenger gets in, their feet always manage to catch the securing over-centre clips and release them. For competition use these clips must be fitted as the spring clip made up of the mounting frame cannot be guaranteed to hold the unit in place in an accident. Not sure about in the UK but in France they insist on it.
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Quoting Paul Deslandes: 
the only problem that we've found with the floor mounted extinguisher is, no matter how carefully the passenger gets in, their feet always manage to catch the securing over-centre clips and release them. For competition use these clips must be fitted as the spring clip made up of the mounting frame cannot be guaranteed to hold the unit in place in an accident. Not sure about in the UK but in France they insist on it.


I put electrical tape over the catches to stop them being opened by passengers accidentally. Alternatively use large jubilee clips instead. *smile*

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Chris, mine's in the boot and I've made it removable - it's the standard Caterham issue plumbed-in jobbie. The mounting bracket is secured to the boot floor with 2 c/sunk screws, I've fitted large rivnuts in the floor to make these easily removable without messing with nuts underneath. There's also just a cable and a hose connection to remove and the whole bracket assembly can be lifted out. Unless really stuffing the boot for a tour I can live with it in, but can be removed in 10 mins if needed.

My experience of footwell mounted ones is that whatever I've used to secure the clips, cable ties included, somebody always kicks them open! I like Dave's idea of maybe utilising space behind the passenger seat although I suspect the space may be limited due to the width of the tunnel rear section.



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