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Talked to a "pillar of society" recently who was all for the recent government suggestion to reduce speed limits everywhere (ie 30/40 mph on all country roads) she also suggested that people who drive even slightly over the limit were anti social, arrogant for disobeying set laws and couldnt care less about the rest of the population. Now I totally believe that speed in the wrong place should be condemded, ie built up areas schools etc, but there are so many roads where a reasonable speed can be used with perfect safety and to apply a low blanket limit is lunacy and would probably be just an income generator for the government. Iv'e always found that I feel safer on the road in the company of a fast driver/s. You know basically what they want to do, and uusally they are aware of whats going on around them. The people who really frighten me are the ones doing 30mph on a good road, and who might stop, turn off the road and who seem to think their cars are an extension of their sitting rooms. They are the arrogant ones who think that because they think 30mph is fast enough, nobody else should go past them. But how would they feel if the person in the car in front of them thought that 10 mph was fast enough?. would they then be champing at the bit to try and get past ? I dont mind slow drivers, so long as I can get past at some point. I dont want to force them to speed up, whereas the slow down brigade want everybody to be at their speed . Feel better for that.
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Yes, good point. Have a look at my posting under "Lies, damm lies and stats, re speeding" in chit chat.


As a matter of interest, I understand that the girl who sadly died in the Z3 was probably just going too fast, as nothing appears to be wrong with the car, which was only serviced a couple of days earlier.

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