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Sorry, another starting question - inconsistency


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Hi all,


Sorry if it's the same question differently worded but I'm seeing some inconsistent starting behaviour on my car, had it two weeks now.


It's a 1.6K SS with keyless ignition so standard fob immobiliser, aero ignition switch and red starter button, also has battery master switch. To start with I thought I just hadn't sussed the order in which I to disarm immob, flick aero and push start, but I have now had categorically different results with the same process which often works first time but sometimes doesn't work at all.


Sometimes the button on the fob doesn't disarm until I (re)arm the already-armed immob then disarm it. Same with both fobs I have and sometimes work first time so don't think it's fob batteries.


Yesterday when the red light had stopped blinking the starter was turning over but the engine didn't catch; then when it did, it fired up for 1 second then died. It did this twice, with bouts of no response and turning-but-not-firing inbetween. In the end I bump started and it kept running fine, so went for a drive, saw some friends, stopped and started a number of times in the next couple of hours, all fine. Today spent half the day in and out if it and apart from not always responding to the fob unless I flick the aero switch off and on, it started fine all day. The one time I do feel I can rely on it is when it's hot, so I don't think it's related to "the click" but please correct me if incorrect deduction.


Basically I have to cross my fingers when starting from cold and feel like I don't know what it's going to do. Am I missing something simple ? I am a total mechanical beginner so any advice please direct as if to a six year old. *tongue* *confused* *redface*





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  • Area Representative


What year is your car? Is it EU2? If so it is like mine.


If you have switched off the battery isolator switch (big red key) the immobiliser needs to be re-set.

Starting procedure is:-

Switch on big red key.

Arm the immobiliser i.e. press the right button about 5 times - you should here the immobiliser set (click sound).

Disarm the immobiliser i.e. press left button once.

Switch ignition on.



Procedure when you stop:-

Switch off ignition.

Arm immobiliser i.e. press right button once. Red light will flash rapidly.

When red light stops flashing i.e. goes out - Switch off battery immobiliser and remove red key.


If you stop, switch off ignition, arm the immobiliser and don't switch of battery isolator, then when you come to re-start you shouldn't have to re-set the immobiliser i.e. you can just press the left button and then switch on ignition and start.


Please note that if you simply switch the ignition off, the immobiliser with automatically arm itself after a couple of minutes or so.


The secret is re-setting the immobiliser by pressing the arm button a few times before pressing the disarm button.


This procedure works for me every time - I hope it helps. *biggrin*

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Thanks Paul, that's exactly the sort of answer I was looking for. I'll try that. I have been removing the battery master key most of the time and hadn't twigged it would interfere with the already-set-state of the immobiliser.


I don't know whether mine's EU2 or 3 - it's a 2006 built, 2009 registered car. I've read about the ignition differences between the two but how do I tell by looking, externally ? Told you I'm a mechanical novice 😬


Fingers crossed next weekend brings some more weather like today so I can try out your tips.


many thanks,



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  • Area Representative

Just realised I have made an error above.

When you switch off ignition you arm immobiliser and it flashes rapidly. It then goes to a steady flash ( not off as stated previously) and then switch off battery isolator (big red key).

Apologies - my brain not in gear and haven't had 7 out recently because of poor weather.

Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Paul, I just wanted to follow up and say many thanks for your very effective advice.


On the few opportunities I have had to drive the car in the last couple of weeks it has started reliably, having moved over to your "arm it five times" technique.


I realise there will shortly be another foible of some kind to test my patience, but all good for now.




Andy *wavey*

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