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Fitting uprated front hubs - advice


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I've just cracked the flange on one of my front hubs whilst changing a wheel stud (it fell on the floor !). Caterham can no longer get the Vauxhall race hubs which were steel (well certainly not alloy) so I'm obliged to fit the uprated hubs on both sides.

Are there any gotcha's to this ? Do I remember a bad batch of bearings circulating (or was that rear hubs ?) . Off to Portugal in March and I'd hate to have a hub problem.


Does anyone have a spare VX race hub ?

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Yes, I have a press ...

Are the hubs still cast alloy like the previous version ? I had fatigue cracking problems with those which is why I went to the steel race hubs.



It's the steel hubs that I wanted .. (although now I know the new ones are billet made I've decided to go with them)


Edited by - ECR on 25 Jan 2013 08:05:09


Edited by - ECR on 25 Jan 2013 10:16:47

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Thanks Harry

I'm content to use them now they're billet made. My existing steel hubs are 16/17 years old so well overdue for replacement considering the use they've had. I'm happier to part with the £250.00 now ....


Last time I removed the stub axles a press was certainly needed ! As you say, when they go they go with quite a bang.

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Right, the upgrade kit has arrived. Not got it to the car yet, I'm just unpacking the box. All looks straightforward except for the 2 collars/shims. On the invoice one is described as " outer collar - 2003.-front hub-between nut and bearing" I guess that is the thick one and it fits outboard, and the large nut tightens against it. Where does the other (thin) shim go ( against the upright ?)
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From distant memory again ... One goes on the shaft, between the bearings. It will be the same thickness as the shoulder inside the hub.


Edit ... the acid test (of my memory) will be ........ getting the disc in the middle of the gap in the caliper


Edited by - Stationary M25 Traveller on 29 Jan 2013 18:03:26

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But the bearings are both taper roller and presumably both the outer races are pressed in to registers. Wouldn't a spacer between the bearings defeat the object ....



Edited by - ECR on 29 Jan 2013 18:40:42

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Thanks guys

Shopping tomorrow ☹️ so fitting will have to wait ...

I'd have thought that the kit (which is what I purchased) would have included some instructions as well ...


Edited by - ECR on 29 Jan 2013 19:31:33

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