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New MOT emissions testing - response from Ministry

Jason Plato

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I wrote and asked if the cars which were registered pre sva would be subjected to any new test limits :


Dear Mr Jackson


Thank you for your e-mail of 30 October in which you ask if there is

going to be any change to the emissions level to which your vehicle will

be tested at its annual MOT test.


I can reassure you that there will be no change to the emissions

standards for any kit car registered prior to the introduction of the

SVA test so your vehicle will not be required to meet more stringent

standards than it was designed for.


SVA has been mandatory for certain types of vehicle since 1 July 1998

and concerns have arisen that vehicles that have been designed to meet

the SVA standards should be tested to those same standards at their

annual MOT inspection. The procedure for such vehicles is that they will

be tested:-


to the manufacturers test limit values, if applicable or,


to default limit values, unless


the vehicle presenter produces a letter from the manufacturer to show

that the engine was never designed to meet default limits and should be

tested to seperate limits as defined in the manufacturers letter. Where

the engine is not new the engine will be tested to the appropriate limit

for the engine but the onus will be on the vehicle presenter to provide

evidence on the age of the vehicle.


In your case ,however, your vehicle will continue to be subject to a

visual ceck only.


Yours sincerely


Chris Curson

Licensing, Roadworthiness and Insurance Division


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