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7 Friendly Jack

Mark Gibson

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I have a Halfords trolley jack, but it has never been able to fit under my 7 without first rolling the car onto small blocks of wood.


Can anyone recommend a nice light-weight jack with a nice low clearance at the front which neatly fits under the usual jacking points (I have only about 8-9cm clearance) that will prevent me having to mess around with blocks of wood etc.


Thanks in advance.



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I have an eBay special low-entry job that fits under the A-frame/de Dion tube jacking point, even with an ice hockey puck used as a protector on the cup. It's a bit of a squeeze with smaller tyres but no complaints at all for the money and ideal for a 7. I don't trust it that much for a "normal" car though.
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Thank you so much for your kind replies. Having looked at all the options I think I would go with the Clarke one mentioned by a few of you because this looks like one I have borrowed in paddocks in the past.


From a scour of the various outlets, the cheapest I could find it was for £91 + £7 postage: here Although there are a few brand new ones on ebay for £99 including postage.


Having said that I like the suggestion of removing the wheels of my existing one so I will try this first before spending the £98. I guess the other option is to dig a small hole in the garage floor 😬

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Quoting Bradders: 
A very nice jack. Curious why you would go for one twice the price of a Clarke though? Other than it looking a bit more Gucci. It is a very nice shiny thing 😬


Bradders - yours is made of steel. The blue one is ally. It's miles lighter if you are lugging it around the paddock.


For a garage at home, solely, I agree. But I wouldn't be without my ally one around race circuits.



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That's the one! It also has a nice, large area rubber pad on the lifting plate for anyone else interested so you don't damage the powdercoat.


Not that I do much polishing or use the jack much *tongue* 😬


The only thing I would do is loctite all the assembly bolts before you drag it around and loose them all (from experience)



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Quoting Mark Gibson: 
Bradders - no offence was intended. I have borrowed the more expensive one from fellow competitors in the past and was very surprised at how light they were for getting in and out of the boot of a car.


None taken at all, and I must learn to read posts better. You said "light-weight jack" *redface*


The one I bought is a bit heavy, but is for the garage only. When I drove home it was so heavy the missus really struggled getting it out of the boot. Luckily she wasn't too tired afterwards to make me a brew 😬


Edited by - Bradders on 10 Jan 2013 15:21:48

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And be careful with the shiny blue Ali one if dropping half of the car back down off axle stands or lifting half the car up.


The front roller is to small a diameter and gets stuck on any small bit of grit etc on the floor so doesn't roll. Particularly when dropping the car do not just twist the handle with out checking underneath as you may find the axle stands are at an angle that would make you *eek*


Drop and lift slowly!

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