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O/T Electric Scooter

Tony Wright

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I have a Flex Tech Eco flash 2000 Electric Scooter that has been in the garage for nearly three months now.


Decided to get it out today and give it a run, it came straight on and had full charge but was very hesitant and would not accelerate past 20kph. It kept stuttering at that speed for the first 600 mtr's then all of a sudden fully accelerated up to it's normal 45kph and ran fine after that.


Any electricians give me a heads up? Going to strip down the panels and have a look at the motor, presently thinking about a dodgy capacitor or contact switch but not very good with electrics.





Edited by - Tony wright on 31 Dec 2012 15:07:07

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Didn't get anywhere with the cleaning as it's a bit confusing in there. 😳 Pulled apart quite a few connectors to make sure they have a tight fit and cleaned as much as I could but all to no avail ☹️


Anyway the battery is at full charge and the scooter runs up to full speed when it's on the centre stand. As soon as you drop it onto it's rear wheel, or worse still sit on it, it just stutters and won't go at all. Could the battery be at fault *confused* as it only seems to effect the scooter under load *confused*

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Could the brushes need cleaning 🤔 ,

probably not too easy to test but can you rig a multimeter to check battery voltage under load,

I guess you have check electrolyte levels and usual stuff like cleaning battery connectors


you say full charge, have you any measurements for off and on load voltages at battery





Edited by - tbird on 2 Jan 2013 17:27:35

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Hey, it's a brilliant bit of kit, use it all the time throughout the Summer getting to and from the golf course *wink* (when it works that is ☹️) I won it on a works draw so not bad for nothing 😬


See you tomorrow you missed a good evening loads of us practising *smokin*

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