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Usenet style "killfile" facility?


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Any chance that a facility could be added not to display postings by certain user names?


I appreciate that such a facility would potentially make for a disjointed looking thread, but unless the undesired poster is the OP I can still happen across their ramblings.


I feel my Blatchat experience would be better if I could eradicate the crap posted by a very small number of posters. Sometimes ignorance can indeed be bliss.

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I'm not sure I agree. Mk 1 eyeball remains my preferred method of filtering.


There have been lots of postings recently that I'd prefer not to have read, but I don't have a right not to be offended. For me they mostly come in two flavours: personal comments and stigmatisation of outgroups. But I'd still prefer a bit more care about netiquette to technological filters.


Of course this might be a response you'd have had turned off! ;-)



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Hi Jon,


I have thought about it, but there are some issues that I need to mull over eg:

1) Threads and replies or do we need to offer the options of either/both?

2) How would/should we deal with quoted posts?

3) It's another item that would be helped by using some kind of logon procedure, so would involve either:

a) adding such a procedure and all associated processes

b) moving to forum software that already has this feature implemented in the way we would like it to be


I would welcome everyone's thoughts on these options.



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I am sure not that Arnie and I are on the same track with our suggestions *tongue*


I don't want to limit people's facility to post, I just want a drivel filter on the viewing end of things.




1. Threads and replies for me, please.

2. Quoted posts - I don't they can be handled; just have to live with 'em I suppose.

3. You already kindly offer me the facility to not see pictures in people's signatures (which I do use to save screen space and repetition), or to not see people's signatures at all. I just see this as an extension of that facility, although technically I have no doubt that it is not remotely as simple as that.


Edited by - jingars on 14 Nov 2012 19:12:16

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Some observations which may be relevant to this discussion, and which were also posted on the 'Googletwit' thread:-


1) If someone found something that I had posted to be questionable, I would hope that they would take it up with me directly and publicly, and give me the right of reply, rather than invite others to join them in collective derision.


2) This could re resolved much more simply by limiting each member to a single on-forum identity, so that we know exactly who is saying what.


3) If we were all required to use our real names on the forum, or if our real names were automatically listed in addition to the forum ID, then everyone would know who was who, and there would be an awful lot less confusion when meeting another member for the first time.



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1. As far as I am concerned you can post whatever you are prepared to be held responsible for on this forum; whether another viewer find is "questionable" (be that in terms of taste, subject matter, accuracy or - especially on here - spelling and punctuation) is irrelevant.


As with some of the nut jobs that post in a couple of usenet groups I frequent, I would like to be able to be able to filter out some of the dross on here.


If you have posted on the forum then you should expect the response to come to you via the forum.


2. Scope creep - This suggestion thread is only requesting a viewing filter.


3. I am a keyboard warrior; I have no real life acquaintances. More scope creep.


Feel free to start your own suggestion threads for your points 2 and 3.

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Quoting Mort: 
3) If we were all required to use our real names on the forum, or if our real names were automatically listed in addition to the forum ID, then everyone would know who was who...


That would end the forum and the club for me. Why on earth would I want my name plastered across the net?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Barry, there does seem to be a level of interest in some form of plonktastic killfile facility. If such a a facility exists, then those that do not wish to use it do not have to. I am delighted to find that I am not the only grumpy old sod on here.


I am unsure what the procedure and participants would be in getting a modification "approved" for development and implementation; could you please advise?




Edited by - jingars on 28 Nov 2012 09:52:21

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Quoting AdC: 
Quoting Mort: 
3) If we were all required to use our real names on the forum, or if our real names were automatically listed in addition to the forum ID, then everyone would know who was who...


That would end the forum and the club for me. Why on earth would I want my name plastered across the net?


I agree that requiring actual names is not required. But given that multiple accounts for a single membership number are valid maybe they should link to each other in some way. Multiple accounts does make sense, after all some of us have wives who also enjoy driving the cars. Something as simple as clicking the profile link showing all usernames associated with that member for example.

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Quoting jingars: 
I am unsure what the procedure and participants would be in getting a modification "approved" for development and implementation; could you please advise?


I guess I have to have more of a think about how to implement it. It does mean quite a bit of work, particularly as the best way for this would be to store the information in the database, so requiring you to log on for it to work properly.

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