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Got a BMW diff? - check your bolts


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I wrote to Graham MacDonald last week. I raised two issues: 1. the safety of other owners who will be unaware of the problems made apparent in this thread 2. whether the new carrier is a full engineering solution. In the event the answer to Q2 was "no", I asked what CCs plans were to honour the promise made in the Caterham Quality Assurance Statement (to paraphrase this, it says we will fix it properly however complicated the problem). As yet, I haven't had a response.......
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As I mentioned above I was going to email CCM today and in response I had a call from them advising CC are aware of the situation and as they have my name on their list either from my email or from their records, will be contacting me hopefully within the next few weeks following their review of the problem.

I strongly suggest that anyone with the early diff carrier (prominent bolt heads) makes sure they are included to receive the response when it comes.

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I don't think so, they appear to be formulating the best approach for us none Academy cars, fitted with the first design of carrier i.e. with the full bolts and not the countersunk type on the later carriers. CCM were very quick in responding to my email yesterday so perhaps clarification will be forthcoming.
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I spoke to them yesterday and CC have assured me that they are on the case and hope to have a resolve in the next week or so.


There is some confusion over a list, there is not one as far as I can understand, and would ensure that anyone who believes they are affected ( I have to assume that will be all BMW units ) drop a line to re enforce their position.


Not happy and not impressed with the overall direction of this in CC to date.

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Welcome back Alan!

When I emailed James Gibson, he assured me they had details of everyone likely to be affected. *smile* But you and I both know (from the unforgettable build experience) that parts get issued incorrectly and replaced and suddenly there is confusion over what you have actually got on the car at warranty time! *eek* So I am with you, email him anyway if you haven't already done so. *smile*



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I have withdrawn this post because I have now had a reply from Graham MacDonald. I will post something when I have had a chance to consider his words.....


Edited by - pmobbs on 15 Nov 2012 16:15:57


Edited by - pmobbs on 16 Nov 2012 13:02:02

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The reply from GM, who apologized for the delay in getting back to me, deals squarely with the questions I put to him. On Q1 (see above) – to paraphrase: While total failure of the carrier is serious, it is not a catastrophic incident (as I think defined within the industry). The company has been at full stretch trying to sort the problem out. It has been very difficult to work out all the details required to communicate accurately with owners. That process is almost complete. CC want to communicate completely and accurately and will do so very soon. On Q2 – there remains a chance of some contact between the diff carrier and the De Dion. With the new carrier in place this is likely to be rare and of little consequence. A project is in place to redesign aspects of the carrier/parts of the chassis. CC wants every detail of this to be correct so it will take time.


In short, one could hope that none of these problems had ever arisen – I am sure GM wishes that were so! As it is, we are where we are, and the impression I have is that midnight oil has been and is being burnt.


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Well done pmobbs, I look forward to this final solution so I can drive my car with confidence. How long do you think we should give them to complete the job? Do we need to do anything in the meantime? Do you think that there is one list of contacts or a number?
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Yes, well done - they are clearly taking it seriously. I know they are following this thread and it is good to hear they are making some progress, even if the communications could do with some work. Will sit and wait in the knowledge that a solution will be ultimately forthcoming.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree. I spoke to them when I got back and essentially said I would leave them for two weeks, due this friday I think.


As ever my help in getting them to understand that it is better to come back to us with a holding statement than not come back at all - but for all of us.


Changes to the back of the diff casing ?






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Yes, a good idea to bring this back to the top. I am hoping that there will soon be some indication of CCs' intentions. Not sure what the final engineering solution should or could be - quite a few possibilities I think. My feeling is that this problem is likely to affect a significant fraction of the cars made from the time of the introduction of the BMW axle (about June 2011?) onwards and importantly, is likely to include those being delivered at the moment. It's a complex logistical, as well as engineering, problem and I guess that explains the length of time it's all taking. However, as Allan says, I would have thought it would work very much to CCs benefit to make some kind of holding statement.......


Edited by - pmobbs on 27 Nov 2012 19:18:27

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I agree we do need to keep this at the top of the list. I think we all understand that this is a problem for CC but it is also a problem for us as owners. Communication with us is very important as some of us are sure to think we are being left out of the loop if we hear of individuals or groups eg Academy drivers getting some sort of fix. It would be good to have some sort of progress report from the man at the top so we all know what is happening.
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Finally got round to getting my car up on stands and having a look. I have a 2009 Roadsport 175 SV which had a BMW diff installed at some point prior to becoming mine. There are clear impact marks on the DD tube, here are some photos:











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Just re-read this whole thread and been out to have another look at the car. For reference I have an ARB and Watts linkage. I'm pretty certain the two marks in the photos above are caused by the DD tube striking the bolt heads on the diff carrier. Tomorow evening I'll use a jack to displace the rear suspension and take some photos.
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We bought our R300 new, factory built from CC midlands in Dec 2010, cost £37,000. We've had numerous problems including 4 Ford diffs before CC agreed to fit the, then new, BMW diff, probably one of the first fitted. I've previously put the details on this forum. My grievance throughout has been the lack of communication and, possibly perceived, 'I don't really give a damn, we've got your money' attitude, which I have to say has been somewhat improved by Brett at CC Mid. However, I am sure that had I bought a car for £37,000 from any other main dealer my car would not have been off the road for approx 6 months in 2 years, I would have at the very least, been offered some compensation AND would have been kept fully informed of what was happening and been made to feel a valued customer! 😡 Come on CC answer these criticisms and deal with the latest diff problem. At the very least keep us informed and communicate with your enthusiastic and loyal customers. I can't say I'm looking forward to having our car off the road again when CC do decide to look after their road drivers as they have their race car drivers, otherwise I don't know how much longer I can stay enthusiastic and loyal……here's hoping! 😤
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