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Great day at Harewood today, almost no rain all day other than a shower at lunch time. Until the last run that is when all the rain we hadn't had during the day arrived in one go 😳


I'm currently sitting in a diner just of the A1 as the traffic is completly stationery, looks like it could be a late night.


Well done to all the class winners today.

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A great weekend at Harewood, and apart from getting the biggest soaking ever as I sat on the startline in a monsoon I loved every minute. Matthew's victory in Class 3 😶‍🌫️ showed that there's only one weak component in my car - I managed some tolerably good sectors but stringing them into a single run eluded me today .


Congratulations to Harewood for running a successful event in the most trying of conditions, to all our winners, and thanks to everyone for the usual excellent support and banter *thumbup*.


See you at Loton - let's hope for non-stop sunshine!


Andrew *wavey*

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Shaun - is that you saying "oopps" at the end of that spin 😬


TM - I think you'll find that there were others who had grassier moments than that after Mr E went for his little excursion! Some Class 4 gentlemen, perhaps? *smile*



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And a big *thumbup* for the ESV, gave us shelter on Saturday night to listen to the Olympic's while having a few beer's.


We even tidied up after ourselves as well 😬


Thankfully there did not appear to be any major damage from the amount of water stretching the Awning, was like the niagra falls when we emptied it *rolleyes*

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I am not sure who you are referring to Gill, but sadly it appears that the last white water slalom run has destroyed my video recorder - so there is no record of any possible excursions that I may have had - not that there was anything significant of course *wink*


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Thanks Shaun for reminding me - it must just have been a very slow run 😬 Anyway, looks like the the yellow trowel will match the last one to go off - just checked the results and Paul definitely wins it on T2!


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