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Got the BMW diff


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...and we can now actually drive the car! 😬


The improvement in noise level is truly amazing. I now understand why so many of the old guard gave us the the TADTS story. They just hadn't driven a Caterham with a diff as noisy as a late Sierra pattern part in a metric chassis with poorly aligned metalastic bushes.


GRR is now normal noisy, rather Satan's Angle Grinder noisy. *evil*


We also seem to have been switched over to carbon plated clutch LSD rather than ATB. Does anyone know if there IS an ATB for this particular BMW part? Anyway, that doesn't bother me greatly, though I did love the smooth feel of the ATB.



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Did you get this as an in-warranty replacement or as an upgrade. If it was the latter, I'd be interested in how much it cost and how difficult it was (if you did it yourself).


I'm quite deaf but the s**te Sierra diff offends even my limited hearing, so a switch to a quieter diff AND an upgrade to LSD has its attractions.



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I also went through this swap and now also have the BMW diff with the Titan Carbon Fibre LSD last year. What a difference. Fortunately, although mine is a 2009 car after a carefully penned few letters to Ansar the swap was done FOC although I did pay for the LSD as I didn't have one in the Ford diff. Saying this I brought the issue, by letter, of the cr*p Ford diff within the original warrantly period and kept on the case until the new BMW one was released.


The new prop shaft does not seem to have any greasing nipples so assume its sealed for life?



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I looked at this and regret not having opted in to the 'discount deal'. My diff is not too bad, though I've not had much chance to compare it with others. My test drive was in a car which was deafening!

I think the BMW diff comes with new (different) prop shaft and drive shafts so it could be an engine out job!!

Just a couple of hours then! (with apologies - because I may be wrong!)



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The swap was done at Caterham Midlands on tall Axle stands (they didn't appear to have a car ramp!) and no need to take the engine out. Probably the worst part was re-routing and adjusting the handbrake cables! Your right, new proshaft and driveshafts.


Interestingly the swap was on the basis they kept the Ford diff, I wonder if some other poor s*d will end up with it in their car!

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Had mine done last October on a 2010 metric S3 at Caterham Midlands as part of their deal, took them about 4 hours. What a difference, I would certainly recommend it if you have one of the later diffs with their inherent problems. I also found that handbrake adjustment if far easier now as there is more space around the smaller diff and its carrier.


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Quoting billyboanerges: 
I looked at this and regret not having opted in to the 'discount deal'. My diff is not too bad, though I've not had much chance to compare it with others. My test drive was in a car which was deafening!

I think the BMW diff comes with new (different) prop shaft and drive shafts so it could be an engine out job!!

Just a couple of hours then! (with apologies - because I may be wrong!)



It's a 2 hour job

1. removing the propshaft from a type-9 gearbox once you have got the diff out is just a matter of pulling

2. the driveshafts always have to come out when you remove the diff


apology accepted.

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Now look what you've done ! Been pricing up new diff etc. Might do the job come winter - you'll know if I do !

So thats errrr. new tyres, carbon dash,new diff and my teenage son spots a supersport at CC South that he says we 'need'.

Sorry if this is more 'chitchat' than 'techtalk'


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Yeah, sounds like we've had very similar experiences. I also got the guys at Caterham Mids to do it. As for price, yes it's far from cheap. If it was a cheaper car I would have decided against it, and I certainly wish I hadn't missed out on the trade out option, having given the Quaife replacement the benefit of the doubt.


Still, we now have a car transformed from something only viable for trackdays with plenty of ear protection to a car we actually can enjoy, even on long journeys. Couldn't have imagined touring in it before.


I do wonder why they've gone for the old school tripod joints when the diff comes with flanges for the much quieter Rzeppa joints like most other folks use. I suppose they could be lower drag and they do give a lot of plunge depth. Hey ho.

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